Saturday, January 8, 2011

Happy Saturday!

This is what we did bright and early this morning. Usually bath time is reserved for the evenings, but bubby woke up this morning with one loaded/exploded diaper. So into the tub he went. He enjoyed it though, and I got to play with his soapy hair.

We've had a good start to our Saturday, despite the absolutely disgusting diaper. After bubby had his bath, we took showers and went out in the snow to iHop. I was craving some delicious breakfast. Plus, we hadn't been there since Daven had really started to self feed so I was anxious to see how he would like our food.

He ate some of my omelet and pancakes and I think A even gave him a tiny piece of bacon. He loved it! So cute. I'm proud of our little self-feeder!

Then we stopped by Target to get a few things and Daven loved riding around in the cart. Now he's taking a nap on the couch while I sit next to him. I think he's about to wake up though, because his legs keep moving.

I've downloaded some free books to my nook and I have a list of other books that I want. Not sure what I want to use my giftcard on yet. But I really want to get to reading!

I decided to do our weight loss program at school. Initial weigh-in was yesterday. And I will tell you - I currently weigh 253 pounds. Now I'm going to try to eat healthier and we are going to make sure to add a lot more veggies in with our dinners, but I know that I am not going to be able to give up tasty cold turkey. So I'm hoping to be able to exercise. I want to do our Dance Central game on workout mode, and I'm hoping that we can get Zumba Dance soon. Also, I want to start using the treadmill at in IL's house. Anything that I can do to better my health and make me a healthier mommy.

Oh, and here is our bub this morning, when I had to get A out of bed to come help me with the diaper disaster. Daven decided that we was going to do a Captain Morgan pose and wave for the picture. Classic.

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