Friday, April 23, 2010

I am a mommy. But not just anyone's mommy. I'm Daven's mommy. This means a number of things:

I live for eskimo kisses.

I spend all my giftcards on things for Daven.

I would do anything to make him smile.

I could sit and just stare at him for hours, and sometimes I do!

If I could be a stay-at-home-mom always I would.

It feels great when strangers smile and point at him or come up to me and say how precious he is.

I don't want to go anywhere without him with me, even if it means that it takes longer to get there, I have to lug a ton with me, and my activities are constantly interrupted by feedings and diaper changes. I still want him with me all the time.

I now find that missing the onion volcano at our favorite hibachi grill, Kobe, isn't the end of the world. But not being able to meet the needs of my baby boy would be.

I appreciate my mother a lot more now. I've always heard that this would happen. Everyone was right. I called her so many times the first few weeks. And I was so glad that she ended up being with me in the delivery room.

I still have a difficult time letting other people hold Daven. While I know that they are perfectly capable, the moment he starts to cry I have this impulse to be right there and to take him to make it all better. I'm trying really hard to let Daven know that other people besides just me can comfort him.

Anyway, that was just what was on my mind at the moment. Daven has become such an active little man! He smiles more, talks more, and grabs at things. He even ate his elephant blanket, as you can see from the pictures I posted yesterday. He goo's, ah-gee's, ahs, and even sometimes has short laughs. I love it! I really have a good time laying on the floor with him and watching him kick and play.

Yes, I know that we need to do more tummy time with him. But it's just so hard for me to make him do it because he always ends up getting upset. I know it's for his own good. I'll get there, I promise!

Daven's Auntie Lauren is coming home from school for the summer in a few weeks. It will be nice to have her home.

Well I know that this will not end up as planned, but I am going to attempt to close my eyes for a moment while Daven is asleep in his bouncer.

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