Wednesday, December 9, 2009

::sniffle sniffle::

I haven't updated in a few days. I'm sorry. I've felt sick since Sunday. I knew this was going to happen, because I get sick every year in December before the Christmas program.

Sunday - Sore throat and my nose started to run. Didn't go out to eat with my family.

- Same, plus stuffy nose. Went on my plan to get some Tylenol Cold. Immediately threw up my lunch. Luckily some teachers were near by and they insisted that I go home from work 2 hours early. Although I never actually took my temp, I'm pretty sure I was running a fever because I was chilled all day and then later that night when I woke up from a nap, I was drenched in sweat.

Tuesday - Add in an ear ache. Yay! I felt a little better immediately after taking each dose of meds, but that wears off before the 4 hour wait period is over to take the stuff again. I had to stay after school for a meeting, and my whimpy ass didn't get home until 5! I had so much trouble getting to sleep. I had restless legs like crazy.

Today - Argh, my ears! I blow my nose (eleventy-billion times) and one of my ears will pop. If this isn't painful enough, I then feel immediately dizzy. That lasts until my ear manages to go back to "normal". I could feel some fluid moving around in my right ear - yuck. I'm also starting to develop a bit of a cough. Boo. I've been walking around school today looking like a zombie.

I really have to thank A for taking care of me and listening to my constant complaining. I love him so much. He's got to be sick of me being sick by now. I just really hope that he doesn't get whatever I have! I love you, handsome hubby!

Despite my misery, Daven seems to be doing ok. He's just been kickin' up a storm in there. Granted, a lot of his kicks are going directly into the right side of my ribcage, but I'll endure that. He's got to be running out of room!

I've got an appointment after school tomorrow, and hopefully that goes well.

I need a nap. Bad. This people penguin needs to go home!

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