Well, the day sure didn't start off to a great start. Had my usual night-time restlessness, accompanied with terrible gas pains. Had to clean up cat puke before the alarm even went off. At least I heard that awful meow and made him get off the bed before Coheed hacked up his unchewed piece of cat food. Then when A sweetly came in to tell me that I had to get up, I went to put my shirt on only to find that the washer had messed it up and there were spots all over it. So I had to go grumbling back into the laundry room, where most of my clothes, which were washed on Sunday, still were not dry. (Oh, I can't wait until the time comes for our laundry room remodel so there is enough room to air dry all of our clothes!)
After I finally found something to wear and got ready the rest of the way, I wanted to cry when A and I got out the door. I didn't want to leave him! No! No work! Don't go, boo boo! He's doing such a good job being patient with me. I am such a mess.
I decided that I would go to McDonalds and get a decaf coffee because otherwise I would drink the regular stuff here in the lounge, and that's not even the good, worth-it kind of caffeine! Only by the time I can actually turn left into their parking lot, the drivethrough has all of a sudden backed up to the street.
::grumble grumble::
So I drove around, parked, and waddled my people penguin self inside for my dollar decaf. Fine. I didn't even have to wait. That was a plus. Then as I'm coming out of there and already in the process of crossing the parking lot to my car, this old man in an SUV with his handicap marker swinging from his mirror almost fucking hits me! I'm not being overdramatic here - I literally had to take a step back as he flew past all the drivethrough traffic and me. I guess he must have been late to meet his buddies for their rousing morning ritual of get up at the ass crack of dawn, order a small coffee from McDonalds and read the newspaper. Well Heaven forbid, don't let this pregnant chic get in your way!
I get to school and grumble on into my classroom. Took my leftover pizza up to the lounge to put it in the tiny fridge. But what did I discover once I got there?
Today is birthday treats day, and someone made sausage balls! The kind that my mother neglected to make for Christmas and I cried about. There they were! I ate like 6 of them. Oh, but that's not all. There was also a homemade breakfast cake with pineapples and pecans and sugary goodness. I had a piece of that too. Heated it all up in the microwave and waddled back to my classroom. It was amazing! Thank you, thank you, thank you to whoever it was that made these delicious treats, because I didn't know how I was going to make it through the day!
After yesterday's snow day (which I was extremely grateful for) I really did not want to come today. But the weather report claims that it is supposed to snow all day tomorrow. Will it? While I don't really want a ton of snow on the ground as we wait for Daven, it sure would be nice to have the rest of the week off without having to get my sub to cover for me!
Yesterday I started working on the canvases for Daven's wall. I got the majority of them done. I'll have to post some pics after they are finished. I am proud of what I've gotten done so far.
Alright, my band is in here to turn my good mood from food back into frustration. Come on, baby Daven! Lets get momma out of school early!
Well, at least you got coffee and some good food out of today!