Monday, January 4, 2010

Hallelujah, my shower went well! After all that anxiety, it ended up being a lot of fun. I never expected to get so much stuff for Daven either. I seriously don't have enough room to put all the stuff!

A lot of A's family was there. Also, mom's friend, my aunt and cousin and grandpa's wife came.

A big shout out to Shelbs and her mommy for coming - I love you, Shelby and am so glad to still have you as my friend. I promise to be there for you for all of your big moments too.

We found out that my belly is 14 pieces of toilet paper wide. Also, baby food smells awful! Ok, so I didn't actually have to smell any of the jars like everyone else, but their faces spoke loud and clear!

There is no way that I can remember off the top of my head what all we got, but here's a few things:

Crib and mattress
Diaper bags
Lots of cute clothes and burpie cloths

I've got to go out and get some thank you notes and get those going. I definitely want to have those out in the mail before Daven gets here! Although I'm having a hard time finding a moment for myself since work started back to school today. I didn't get home until 5 today. I took the dog out, A and I got dinner, I took a shower, and then I worked on school shit until 10. This is ridiculous!

I am really trying not to stress about work, but it's hard not to, thinking about all the things that need to get done before I leave. And what if Daven comes early? But what if he comes late? I just need to be able to plan better.

Ok, bladder, you really need to cool it. I'm seriously tired of all the peeing that has been happening. It's not fun. I'm back to the point where I can just sit there in the bathroom like I'm taking a #2, reading a book. I shouldn't have to pee that much! Argh!

There was more that I wanted to talk about, but it's late and I'm cold and I haven't had a chance to cuddle with A yet today. Night.

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