Yesterday marked the 38th week. "They" say that a high percentage of births happen within the 2 week window of the due date. Did you hear that, Daven? We're within that two weeks. Please don't make that two weeks after!
I finally met my sub yesterday. She was really nice. Hopefully she doesn't think the plans I leave for her suck! I really don't want to type out detailed plans for next week when I might end up being here anyway.
Well, I had my weekly appointment yesterday as well. Gained another pound. I'm really not sure where my weight is now in the scheme of things. I've been gaining back in this past month. But I honestly don't remember where I started out at. My blood pressure is back down from last week, and Daven's heartbeat is still strong and steady.
The good news is that I am now officially 1 cm dilated. The bad news is that who knows how long it will stay that way!
"I've seen some women in for their appointment in the afternoon at 1 cm and then I'm getting a call later that night from the hospital saying she's a 7 cm and I need to come in immediately."
"Or you could still be here at 40 weeks."
I really don't want to pressure you out, Daven. I know you'll come out when you're ready. It's just that I don't want to work anymore, and your daddy and I are just so anxious to meet you!
I've even started trying the old wives tales. I've walked, ate spicy food on 3 different occasions, drank tea with raspberry leaf in it, and had sex. A is convinced that the sex on Wed. is the reason I am now 1 cm dilated. I guess we'll never really know for sure!
In other news, the upstairs looks great! All the walls are painted, most of the baseboards are up, and the carpet is in. The only problem is that now my male cat Coheed has to make his stance and claim the space as his by pooping in all the corners of our room upstairs. It is absolutely infuriating. We are going to try to put up a gate at the stop of the stairs and hope that he can't jump over it. He did the same thing when we were redoing our bathroom over the summer. He started pooping in the bathtub the very day it was installed. So we just keep the door shut when no one is in there. Can't exactly do that with the second story of our house though. Any suggestions on what to do? Poor Mia is such a good girl, and she tries to cover up the poop that her brother leaves.
Oreo is still peeing in the house. Last night as we were cleaning up the poop upstairs, Oreo squatted and peed right in front of me and my mother-in-law! WTF?!
Daven is now 7 pounds, and is as long as a leek. Yeah, a leek. Again, I have a hard time picturing Daven as a leek. I just keep telling myself that this is for length comparison only!

It's scary to think that there are only 2 more comparisons left. And just the fact that he started out much smaller than the quarter is amazing.
This is what I look like now. Here's your people penguin!
And for a little comparison, here's what I looked like 10 weeks ago at 28weeks.
In a way, time really flies by. Yes, days and weeks are long, but overall, this pregnancy has really flown by. It was the end of May, the last day of school to be exact, that I got the positive test. Now we're at the end of January and less than 2 weeks away from my estimated due date. I have had a lot of miserable days with this pregnancy, but I am also so thankful that Daven has remained healthy throughout.
Ok, McDonalds, I have an issue with you now. I noticed, after I finished drinking my large decaf coffee that Daven is going nuts. And when I looked on the side of the cup, even though my cream and sugar was marked, there is no D for decaf. Argh! ::shakes fist angrily:: Don't get me wrong, it was good coffee, but Daven does not need a large coffee running through his little body!
I need to start chanting, because my first class of the day is getting ready to come in.
I WILL make it through the day, I WILL make it through the day...
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