Blood pressure is up. I have protein in my urine. I gained 4 pounds in a week. Plus I've been swollen. My Dr. says that it looks like I have preeclampsia. Basically it means that all of these things happen and that can make it dangerous for me and the baby.
Thank goodness Daven's heartbeat still sounds good.
So tomorrow is my last day of work. And I have to collect all of my pee for a 24 hour period this weekend and then take it to the hospital to have it checked. This means that I basically can't leave the house for a whole day. And every time I have to pee (which is eleventy-billion times in a day) I'll have to remember to not pee in the toilet.
I have to go back to the Dr. on Monday and if things aren't looking better she is going to induce me that day. And while I really don't want this - I don't want to be sick or have anything wrong with me. And I don't really want to have to be induced either. But Monday is my dad's birthday. And we are so ready to meet Daven. And I have to start every sentence with the word and now!
I personally think that it would be nice if Daven would come on his own this weekend. But the past couple of weekends would have been great too, and we know how that went! A bunch of coworkers claim that he'll come this weekend though, since it's a full moon.
Is Daven a werebaby? Oh wow, I can't believed I googled that and found this:
Seriously though, I don't understand why people put so much stock into a full moon making things happen.
So I have to make it through work tomorrow and then come home and start collecting pee. I bet there won't even be anything on tv!
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