Yesterday was a very long day for A, because they painted the second story of the house, stairwell included, all in one day. Luckily we had a few friends come over and help, and his dad helped as well. Today they are working on getting the baseboards up and I think possibly installing the light fixtures. He has literally not had a break this weekend. And we both keep hoping that Daven is going to put a stop to the work by deciding to show.
This morning I really super wanted strawberry pancakes, so we went to iHop. I was pretty miffed because they literally only put 5 strawberries on top of my pancakes. Yes, I counted. And one of them was completely frozen. Eating breakfast proved to be harder than expected though, because I started having contractions. And let me tell you, you cannot eat through those. I did finally manage to finish my stack-o-pancakes, although my turkey bacon wasn't good enough to merit finishing.
Came back home and was still feeling bad. I started to fall asleep in the recliner, and decided to move back to the bed. I actually took a nap, only waking sometimes when I had a contraction. I also drooled all over the place, just so you know.
After getting up out of bed, I didn't really feel anything for a bit. But now it's all starting again. At this point, I'm really not sure whether I should be excited or just plain annoyed.
Even though Oreo is still extremely jealous and is still peeing on the carpet in the office every day, the kitties don't seem to mind Daven's impending arrivial. In fact, Mia seems to have made good friends with him already!

It's going to be a long rest of the day, sitting here attempting to time the pains I'm having and trying to figure out what's going on. Wish us luck!
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