I took these pictures from our upstairs (almost nursery!) This is our backyard.

Hopefully my aunt and cousin made it safely back to Hawaii. I hope their flight this morning didn't get delayed. I did get to spend some time with them throughout these past 2 weeks, and I even brought them over to see the house, even though it's currently a disaster!
Yesterday I had my appointment. It's every week from here on out. I gained 1 pound, which means that so far I've gained a total of 3. Still not sure exactly how many I've lost before this though. Heartbeat is still sounding good. It seems like everything is on track. I don't think my doctor starts internal exams as early as others do. So I couldn't tell you if anything is progressing down there yet.
What I can tell you is that I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions and they SUCK. While they are still pretty inconsistent, they hurt like hell when they do happen. Earlier today when A and I were out running errands, I had 4 in the span of about an hour. It's actually quite embarrassing to have to stop where ever I am and hold my stomach.
Daven should be 6 pounds by now! As big as a crenshaw melon. Is this the first time you've heard of this melon too, or is it just me?

Since I completely forgot to take my pic yesterday, here I am today, a day late. But you get a bonus - I have towel head!
There is now less than a week until Daven is considered full term. This means that really he could come out at any time. Ahhh! I guess that means that I really should pack a bag. And go get some nursing bras. I'm starting to really get nervous. When I first got pregnant, I just decided that I wasn't going to think about the whole labor and delivery process. It's kind of gotten to the point where I can't ignore it anymore!
The nursery is still being worked on. Now the drywall is up, although it still has to be mudded and sanded and all that. Then we have to paint. A and I picked out some color swatches today. After that, the carpet goes in. We bought that today, and it is scheduled to be installed Jan 20. We still have to purchase and install a toilet and sink for the half bath. I think that after all that is done, then it's just moving all the furniture and crap upstairs, which is easier said than done. Phew!
But enough worrying about things I can't control. We're having Maido for dinner!
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