Baby Daven is a mini watermelon!

He should be weighing in at 7-something pounds. I'm curious to see how accurate their weight guesstimations are. I know one girl that had her baby at 37 weeks and he turned out to be over 10 pounds! But here everything I read says that at my point in my pregnancy, Daven still shouldn't even be 8 pounds yet. Hmmm.
So here's a little glimpse into how the very extremely pregnant mind works. A had a fb status update about the "iPad", Apple's newest product. This made me think Pad Thai. So guess who was kind enough to look up Thai places for us to eat at last night? That's right - my dearest husband. It was good, too! Thankfully he likes ethnic food as much as I do. I have a feeling we are going to frequent Mai's Thai often now that we have discovered it! Thanks, boo boo!
Last night A put the crib together. We still have some drawers and things to make, and there's the rolly storage shelf under the crib to put together, but the main crib/changer is all ready to go!
My damn cat Coheed scared the living shit out of me again last night. You remember, the one that fell from the ceiling? Well we have an air vent down low on the wall that isn't covered yet. I took my eye off that cat for 2 seconds and then I see he's disappeared all but his tail into that hole. That very small hole that leads to nowhere. I freaked the fuck out. Grabbed and pulled him back out by his tail and sent him packing back down the steps. Is he trying to give me a heartattack?
Here's a picture of him before he got stupid. He's lounging on the crib parts.
I'll be posting pics of the nursery when everything is all together and in place, but for now, this is the only glimpse you get.
After I was done "helping" A with the crib and we came back downstairs, my cuddle kitty Mia deciding to console my worrying heart by turning into "undercover Mia".
Unfortunately, I don't have any pics of Oreo from yesterday. I love her to death, but she is frustrating the hell out of me! She'll be so good one day and go the whole day with no accidents, then out of nowhere BAM! She pisses on the carpet again. The only thing I can think last night is that I had coaxed A into going to Dairy Queen and we had icecream treats that were not shared with our dear pup. But seriously, is she going to piss every time I don't share from my plate? What does mommy need to do, Oreo? Why won't you tell me?
Our sleep was interrupted this morning when Coheed ran across A and started chasing after something. That something ended up being a mouse. Thankfully once the kitties caught the mouse A was able to get him and let him go outside. He's my hero! And even more so that this occured at around 4 in the morning. It was hard to get back to sleep after that!
My day from hell is getting ready to begin. 6 classes in a row without a moment's break makes me a little crazy! But before I go, here are this week's pics. I'll try to update after my Dr.'s appointment this afternoon.
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