Our upstairs is still being renovated in hopes that we can have our bedroom and the nursery up there. Yes, time is running out. I know. But the shit's being worked on.
So A was in the bathroom getting out of the shower and I was in the living room watching an episode of Law and Order that of course, I had already seen. I heard a really big BOOM, followed by a very loud MEOW. I ran into the dining room to find a ceiling tile on the floor and my cat, Coheed hanging from said ceiling. WTF?! There were wires hanging everywhere and while I was trying to reach him, he was swinging back and forth, getting all tangled. I finally got his back legs and then he fell onto a tupperware box full of Halloween stuff that was sitting in the dining room. Luckily he landed on his feet and after I held him for a few minutes and checked him out, he appears to be ok. It took me forever to breathe normal again and for my heart to stop beating overtime.
So, it seems that he was upstairs, snuck through one of those holes, jumped on the ceiling tile, and then held on for dear life when that tile fell. Poor kitty. I hope he's learned his lesson! At least once the drywall gets put up, there won't be any more holes. What is Coheed doing now, you might ask?
Sleeping in his favorite chair. Thank goodness he's ok! Happy New Year!
Yesterday marked a very important moment in my pregnancy - 35/35. This means that yesterday I was 35 weeks pregnant with 35 days left to go. Holy shit! We are getting so close!
How big is Daven? He should be weighing over 5 pounds now - a honeydew melon!

Yesterday, we were supposed to go out to A's friend's house to celebrate New Year's Eve, but I wasn't feeling well enough. Yesterday was the first day that I really experienced Braxton Hicks contractions. It hurt! Apparently these are practice contractions. If so, then I'll be asking for an epidural at the hospital for sure!
I have also not been sleeping worth crap. I toss and turn all night, get up just about every hour to pee, and wake up in the morning feeling as if I hadn't slept at all. I've been having to keep the tv on all night as well, because I've been having bad dreams. Night before last I dreamed that some man came into my house and killed all of my furbabies. It felt so real - I couldn't even nap yesterday because it was still in my head. I'm going to be in trouble come Monday when I have to go back to work. I fear that this last month of working before Daven gets here will not be pleasant or easy.
My shower is tomorrow! The sucky thing is that the weather is supposed to turn bad tomorrow. I hope some people show up!
Ugh, my Taco Bell lunch isn't exactlty agreeing with me. Time to lay down.
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