We went out to eat last night, and my dad and uncle came too. Even though I am not a fan of Cheddars, I actually found something there that I liked. Their baked spaghetti was quite good. So I guess I'll have to take this place off of my hate list now!
It was so great to see their first reactions when we walked into the restaurant with Daven. Their eyes lit up and they were so happy! The last time we saw them was last year, although I'm not sure if we knew yet if it was a boy or a girl.
After dinner we went back to grandpa's apartment because I wanted to spend some more time with them. Daven sure did show off! He smiled and talked and kicked around on the floor. He really does know how to work a crowd!
After hearing my grandpa and great uncle talk about how tired they were of going out to eat, A and I decided to invite them over for dinner tonight before they go back tomorrow. Hopefully I can get the house cleaned up a bit, because it is a wreck in here! But this way we will be able to see them one more time, and we can show them photos and video of Daven, and they can get a chance to hold him. Alma got to last night, as you'll see from the pictures, but Mino didn't get a chance to yet. I know he got some good pictures last night on his camera, and I'm hoping that we will be able to get a copy of them.
Here's Daven with his Great, Great Aunt Alma.

Aunt Alma is super cute.