Well we've thought for a while now that Daven would be getting his first teeth soon. He's been a little cranky from time to time, but mostly he's just been drooling and chewing. This morning he started crying in the middle of his bottle. He wasn't wet. He didn't want his paci. I burped him but that didn't help. So I put my finger in his mouth. Can't really feel anything yet. But I looked into his mouth and I think I can see his front bottom teeth just below his gums. Poor baby!
We have some of the plastic rings that you chill in the fridge, but he doesn't want to have anything to do with them. I'm going to get some baby Orajel (sp?) the next time I go out, even though I've heard from another mom that it doesn't really help. Daven really likes to chew on cloth (burpies, blankets, bibs, clothes) so I think I am going to get some extra burpies so that I can keep some in the freezer.
It just makes me feel so bad that there's really not much I can do to help him. I've got unlimited snuggles prepared, but I know that won't take the pain away.
On a completely different note, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, BABE! We've been married 2 years today!
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