So I don't think I mentioned this the other day but Daven squeals! When he's happy and playing he'll make these high-pitched, squeaky noises. It's absolutely adorable! He talks so much now and we love it! When he's awake he's constantly making noises. He can put anyone in a good mood!
He can also fake cry now. My dad said he's spoiled, but right now I don't care. I know I'm going to have to get a job soon so I'm going to snuggle as much as I can now!
He's loving his rice cereal. It's so funny how he gets impatient in between bites. He makes such a mess too! He either grabs the spoon from us or he puts his hands in his mouth right after he takes a bite. We definitely learned that for now bath time needs to happen after rice time!

Grammy's arm is probably hurting today because she carried Daven all around Kohls yesterday for hours. By the time we got there (and we had already been to Old Navy, Target, and lunch) Daven didn't really want to be in his stroller anymore. But once he was in Grammy's arms, he was a happy camper! Luckily I had just brought the small stroller so we folded it up and stuck it in our cart. Daven got a ton of new clothes! Daddy got two polos for work and golfing. But I was so excited buying for everyone else I didn't even care that I didn't get anything for myself!
I also got Daven the Buzz, Woody and Rex stuffed animals. Not only are they so cute, but all the money goes to charity! Aunt Lauren bought him a talking Rex flashlight! I know that he sleeps through movies now, but I'm sure he'll love Toy Story soon!
This is about all for today because typing with one hand isn't exactly the easiest! But it's worth it, having my little snuggle bunny in my arms! <3

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