I know I say this every month and I will continue to say it, but I cannot believe how fast time is going by! I almost can't believe, looking back at his newborn photos, that he was so small. He changes every day and I just can't get enough of him!
He has started sucking his thumb! It is too stinking cute. Before he would do it every once in a while, but that was usually when he was trying to fit his whole fist in his mouth. Yesterday he started sucking on his thumb for an extended period of time. And first thing this morning he did it again!
Daven likes bananas! They look a little funky since they instantly turned brown. But they still tasted good, because I tasted it! It's so funny to see his face at dinner though, when he gets his first few bites of veggies. It's like, "WTF? These aren't bananas! Maybe with the next bite...no! Aw damn, ok, I guess I'll eat it anyway."
We are still sleeping through the night! I know I need to transition him back to his crib again, but I just don't know that I can do it!
I think I might need to talk to the dr. again. It's not just the separation anxiety at bed time. I don't want to leave him anywhere for any amount of time. A and I really want to see Toy Story 3, but I can't bear to leave him. I seriously considered not going to a paid opinion study on Monday because I literally got nervous thinking about being away from him. When I think about having to get a job it makes me sick to my stomach. I'm not sure exactly how to get over/through this. I thought it would get easier as he got older, but so far this is not the case.
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