So our baby boy is 4 months old now. He weighs 16 pounds 5 ounces and is 25 inches long. He's eating rice cereal now! And in another week or so he'll be able to start on veggies. Where has the time gone?
One big thing that I can actually remember when it happened was Daven's first time in the pool. It was on my birthday. He likes the pool! Since then he's been in a handful of times. It's great!

Daven has become so vocal. It's wonderful! He's expanded so much from just his g sounds. He uses his b's, a's, ah's, and he's started squealing! He also smiles a TON and he laughs. God I love him!
We think that Daven is going through a growth spurt because even though he's been eating rice cereal at night before bed, he still isn't sleeping through the night for the most part. Since he outgrew the cosleeper at 3 months, he's been in his crib the majority of the time. He will normally go down first thing in the crib, although he doesn't always want to go back to the crib after he's woken up. When that happens we put him in the boppy between us. Sometimes he still needs my hand on him to fall asleep. I've also noticed that when he's fidgety but doesn't want to eat any more and I can tell he needs to go back to sleep, if I'll lay my head next to his so that we are touching and give him some kisses, he'll go back to sleep.
Ok seriously, this is the 3rd time I have seen this episode of Say Yes to the Dress.
Oreo has finally stopped pooping in the house. And she's back upstairs in bed with us now, which I think helps a lot. Although there's still no hope for curing Coheed of his poop-capades. (asshole) We finally have covers over the air vents upstairs so the cats are in bed with us again too. It's a good thing that we got the covers because the cats outsmarted the baby gate. Mia realized she could jump over it and Coheed would just headbutt it until he could get through. Thankfully neither one of them have tried to jump up in the crib.
I'm starting to get nervous because my paychecks stop at the end of next month. I've put in a bunch of applications at various schools, but so far I haven't gotten one interview. One position has already been filled. I'm not really sure what I'm going to do if I don't get another teaching job. I really feel like I need to teach again before I dismiss it completely. I'm bound to be more happy at a different school, right? Plus the schedule is good. Although I might have to start looking for a desk job, since I really don't want to be a permanent sub. It's stressful because I know that spending all day with Daven is coming to an end. I realize that I have had more time with him than most moms get to, but it still makes me very anxious just thinking about not being with him during the day.
I think Daven is teething, or at least starting to. He drools like crazy, puts everything he gets his hands on in his mouth, and chews all the time. He eats his blankets, burpies, stuffed animals, toys, everyone's fingers...
His hand-eye coordination is getting so much better! He can grab his paci, take it out of his mouth and put it back in again by himself. He's been trying to do this with his bottle, but it's bigger and harder to maneuver.
Daven has also rolled over! He did it later than the wee-by-week updates said he should, but hey, better late than never! He's now rolled from his back to his tummy quite a few times. We are trying to work on getting from the tummy to his back, but he hates tummy time with a passion. It's pretty much immediate - as soon as we put him on his belly he starts waling. Makes me feel so bad! But I know that he's got to get used to it so that he can be strong enough to learn to crawl.
Daven is waking up so here's a few more pics. I wish I could update more!

Daven and Papa Darrell

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