Here's me today at 22 weeks:
Our little baby polar bear Daven is now as big as a spaghetti squash!
Also, he should weight 1 pound now!
It looks like the eczema fairy is here to stay and I have yet to get any relief from my all-over itchiness. My eyelids are still glazed in Vaseline, and I am attempting to hide the dry, red patches of rash on my arms with long sleeves.
My lips are a little better though, since I got some Neosporin Lip Health stuff last night. As long as I keep it on my lips, I'm not scratching them to death. But after lunch I forgot to reapply, and I caught myself scratching. Oops. It makes my lips feel a little funky, but I figure that's the medicine in this stuff trying to heal them. Who knows.
So early on in the pregnancy, I developed this knot or lump under my left armpit. It hurt for about a week, and then it stopped hurting (although it never went away). Well, the pain is back. Yesterday I didn't think anything of it because I just assumed that my bra underwire was poking my arm. But when I got into my pjs (sans bra, of course) and I still had that feeling, I checked under my arm. It's very sensitive to touch. It hurts to put on deodorant. I'm hoping that this is just another side effect of pregnancy. I'll have to try to remember to talk to my doctor about it at my next appointment.
I don't know what I did to my hip, but it is killing me today. Actually, I'm not going to lie - it's probably because of the sex A and I had last night. But seriously, my whole left side from my lower back down past my knee hurts. I'm not a fan. (Don't take this the wrong way, A - I am a fan of you and what you do ::wink wink::) I think I need a giant heating pad. Maybe an electric blanket? I know, tisk tisk, you aren't supposed to use those when you're pregnant. STFU.
My tummy is flip-flopping on me again today. I wasn't able to eat my lunch. Hopefully I can eat dinner. I am so tired of not being able to eat consistently! I wag my finger at you, belly! (no, not at you, Daven. Mommy loves you!)
Guess what? It's October! Halloween is just around the corner!
My lips are a little better though, since I got some Neosporin Lip Health stuff last night. As long as I keep it on my lips, I'm not scratching them to death. But after lunch I forgot to reapply, and I caught myself scratching. Oops. It makes my lips feel a little funky, but I figure that's the medicine in this stuff trying to heal them. Who knows.
So early on in the pregnancy, I developed this knot or lump under my left armpit. It hurt for about a week, and then it stopped hurting (although it never went away). Well, the pain is back. Yesterday I didn't think anything of it because I just assumed that my bra underwire was poking my arm. But when I got into my pjs (sans bra, of course) and I still had that feeling, I checked under my arm. It's very sensitive to touch. It hurts to put on deodorant. I'm hoping that this is just another side effect of pregnancy. I'll have to try to remember to talk to my doctor about it at my next appointment.
I don't know what I did to my hip, but it is killing me today. Actually, I'm not going to lie - it's probably because of the sex A and I had last night. But seriously, my whole left side from my lower back down past my knee hurts. I'm not a fan. (Don't take this the wrong way, A - I am a fan of you and what you do ::wink wink::) I think I need a giant heating pad. Maybe an electric blanket? I know, tisk tisk, you aren't supposed to use those when you're pregnant. STFU.
My tummy is flip-flopping on me again today. I wasn't able to eat my lunch. Hopefully I can eat dinner. I am so tired of not being able to eat consistently! I wag my finger at you, belly! (no, not at you, Daven. Mommy loves you!)
Guess what? It's October! Halloween is just around the corner!
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