Wed - I went ahead and got a sub for the next day, because I was feeling like complete shit, and it is so hard to find a sub. Even calling the day before, I had to call all 12 people on the list, leaving 10 messages. Most people eventually called me back. I was stressing out, but then finally someone said they could sub! I stayed after to make sure I had plans for her. Then I went home and made chili. I know, why would I cook when I was feeling so bad? Because I really wanted chili. Then spent the rest of the night vegged out on the couch watching tv.
Thurs - I was hoping in the back of my mind that since I took a sick day I would be feeling better. But alas, I was not. We didn't have anything to drink in the house (ok, so we had milk and juice, but fuck that) so I dragged my ass to the smokey Save a Step to get some coke, gatorade and a box of powdered donuts. I felt crappy all day and at some point, I threw up. There went my 3 weeks of non-barfing! I can't really remember what I did that day really. Watched alot of I don't know.
Fri - After my puking incident the day before, I went ahead and called in a sub for Friday. Maybe I could have made it through the day, but I didn't want to chance it. Hello! I'm pregnant and sick. So I stayed home. No puking today. Just feeling bloopily. A went out to eat with his family and brought me back some chicken fingers. PSA: chicken fingers from Tumbleweed suck. Just so you know.
Sat - Despite still feeling not my best, I decided that I wanted to go down to Harvest Homecoming. It's this dinky little festival that's really nothing but lots of food and church booths. I was hoping that getting out would make me feel better. I was wrong. We got some chicken and dumplings. I didn't eat much of mine. Then A and I got some pumpkin ice cream, but I didn't have more than a few bites of it. Then all of a sudden, out of nowhere, I started to get really dizzy. I thought I was going to pass out. And then I had the sudden urge to puke. And puke I did, right in the mulch, in front of everyone to see. There was a garbage can next to me, but the lid was closed and people were leaning on it. That'll teach them! I was completely embarrassed. I hope that none of my students were there and if they were, I hope they didn't see it. Ugh. Next time, I need to stay home.
After that, we went home and I parked my ass on the couch. I wasn't feeling better until much later, so we ended up having Arby's for dinner, most of which I did not eat. I tried though, promise. Then A was a sweetie and not only downloaded The Proposal for me, but he watched it with me as well. I liked it a lot. I think A liked it more than he would admit to any of his friends or coworkers. Yes, it was a chic flick and yes, you knew how it was going to end, but it was funny all the way through. I would watch it again in a heartbeat.
Sun - Here's where I put on my pouty face because A left yesterday afternoon to go to Cleveland for some Microsoft thingy. Don't ask me what. Something about Windows 7. Who knows. We hung out until about 3:30, and then him and his friend loaded up the work SUV and headed out. ::sad face:: Luckily, my friend panda came over later and kept me company. It took us about an hour to figure out where to eat, and then we ended up just getting McDonalds. We came back to the house, watched the episode of Mercy that I had DVRed earlier that week, and after that, we watched reruns of Law and Order Criminal Intent on Bravo. Yeah, I know, I'm a real party. Don't let the word get out! Then at 9 she left to go home, and I went back to bed, all alone. Of course, since I was gone, my dog Oreo decided that she was going to get all wonky. Twice she ran out of bed barking. Really Oreo, way to freak me out. I guess she just heard dogs outside or something. I slept with my body pillow and with the tv on all night. I miss A.
Mon - So now here we are at the present day. It's still the morning and I have a ways to go until the work day is over. I'm sitting here at my desk drinking gatorade and eating baked lays, trying to get over this stomach ache. I came into work with a ton of things to do since I was out the end of last week. I managed to get grades done and posted, and I have half-ass plans for today.
I don't know what I will do with myself after school. Not sure if I have a meeting or not. And I don't know what time A will get home. I'm sure he won't be home before dinner. I just hope he's home before I go to bed!
Ok, so now for some catching up on what I normally post on Thursdays. This week it says that my baby should be as big as a large mango. But last time I checked, even small spaghetti squashes are bigger than the larger mangos. This confuses me.
Eh, I guess you can't really tell by the pictures, because the one of the mango is more close up. Oh well. It doesn't really matter that much. Whatever kind of fruit or veggie Daven is, at least he's growing!
Since I missed posting my tummy on Thursday, I'll show you what I'm looking like today.
My belly button is still continuing to shallow out. It's pretty interesting. It seriously used to be a cave, and now you can barely get your finger in there at all. Weird? Maybe. But totally true.
Have I left anything out? I'm sure I have. But this is as much as I can do right now. If you made it all the way through this long-ass post, congratulations. You really do care!
Hey, I only have to wait 2 more days for a new blog update!