Today has definitely been better than yesterday, although I'm still exhausted. I've apparently got what's called sciatic nerve pain going on. At least, that's what the knowledgeable ladies on the forum told me. Basically, I feel like someone is stabbing me with a knife in my hip and butt, and the pain goes all the way down my left leg past my knee. Boo to this. I've been gimping around half the afternoon! (Can anyone get me a Hover Round? Huh? Huh?)
Reason #462 I could get fired:
My two snare drum players were bickering and being whiny babies in band class today and I said to the both of them: "You two better shape up and chill out or I'll bop both of you on the head and then call your parents to tell them I've done it!"
Oh patience, where are you?!
This Christmas program is eating my ass. I seriously cannot decide what grades should sing which songs. I take it home with me, I listen through the CD, and nothing. I've got to have this all figured out by Monday, because we have to get started! Oh, and I totally want to shoot myself after hearing "The 12 Days of Christmas" like twice. I am going to be in sad shape by the time this program is finished!
It is really insane to think that we're only 98 days away from meeting our baby boy. It's also crazy that I'm almost in 3rd tri! ::hyperventilates:: While we're ready to meet our little guy, we are so not ready!
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