I'm hoping that my blue powerade will help me feel better. Please, Mr. Sport's Drink, I need your help! I normally go for the gatorade, but at the save a step I went to, they were out of all the good colors. Plus, the powerade was cheaper.
Yep, I woke up this morning feeling the same tummy troubles as usual. But I had this literally all day yesterday and managed not to ralph. At the end of the school day yesterday I cut one of my pills in half, and that made my tummy ache go away without knocking me out. Ok, so I was still asleep on the couch by 8 last night, but at least the knock-out wasn't immediate! So this morning when I got up to go pee before A got in the shower, I thought that I would save myself from a day's worth of tummy aches by going ahead and taking half a pill. I took it and went back to bed. Well, 20 minutes later, I was making friends with my kitchen garbage can. My stomach didn't know when to stop either. Hello! There's nothing else in there! There was only a bit of acid to begin with and it's gone now! Yuck.
At least I have my comfy new maternity sweater on today. It's purple and soft and warm. I really need to go back to Target and get it in whatever other colors they had it in. Because even though I can sneak and wear the same pair of pants every day, I cannot do the same with tops. Yes, I know, I need to get more pants. Leave me alone. They only had one pair in my size the last time I went shopping. Geeze.
So today is less than ideal. Of course, the puking started the day off wrong. Then let's add the fact that it's pouring down rain outside and freezing. Ah, and lets not forget that I have to stay at school today until 5:00 because of parent-teacher conferences that I don't have. Yep. I don't have a single conference with any parent, but I have to be here "just in case" someone wants to stop by and have a chat with me. I think that if they're not prepared enough to set up a time with me, then tough shit, I shouldn't have to be here. But then again, all of the homeroom teachers have to be here for conferences, so I guess I'll deal. At least I can hold onto the fact that next week is fall break and I have a full week of nothing to do!
I am so not ready for the school day to start. I just want to sit in my room and not do anything. How's that for motivation?
Oh, A had to wear a suit today to work! If I hadn't been feeling so awful, I might have wanted to pounce him! You looked good, daddy polar bear!
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