I am so frustrated with how the week is going. My eczema has become overwhelming. I literally could not function yesterday because it's so bad around my eyes. It itches worse than the chicken pox and my eyes were so swollen yesterday I couldn't see clearly. Now today the swelling has gone down some, even though the itch is still just as bad. But now the rash has decided to take over my whole face. My cheekbones, my cheeks, my lips and the area right around them itch! Add to this my itchy neck rash that I've already had for a week, and I am scratching like crazy! It's not a pleasant experience. My students look at me with a funny face, trying to figure out what's wrong with me and if they can catch it. I kind of wish they could so that I would have an excuse to stay home!
Have I mentioned yet that I have dry skin on my nipples? Well I do! And it's not attractive or comfortable!
H1N1 - the swine flu - it's here at school. We got our first confirmed case yesterday. And even though they're not supposed to tell us who it is that has it, it's one of my band students that I see three times a week. The last time I had him was Friday. And now he's out with H1N1. I called the doctor just to be safe, and they said, "Well, if you start to exhibit symptoms, just let us know and we'll call you a prescription for Tamaflu". I'm sure that they are tired of hearing pregnant woman worrying about it, but I thought that I would get a bit more sympathy than that!
I am fuming mad right now. The music director at our school who is in charge of all the church music gives lessons in my classroom after school on Wednesdays. She teaches two brothers right in a row. Sometimes I'm in here getting things done, some times I go home. But no matter the case, she's always in here right at 3 to start the lesson. I'm sitting here, playing on the internet a bit and deciding to write in my blog before heading out, and I realize that it's 3:15 and she's still nowhere to be found. I go up to the office and have them buzz her. She walks right past the office and down the hall, without stopping in to say anything.
I run (waddle) after her, and ask her if she's planning on having a lesson with her student today. She nonchalantly tells me, "Oh, I'm giving his brother a lesson in the church right now and I told him that he could sit in your room and practice. That's ok, isn't it?" No it's not fucking ok. I am not responsible for babysitting this kid! I no longer have to be here. My required time for the day is up. And here I sit, lying and saying it's ok because I don't want to cause a scene. And I like this woman, I really do. She plays the piano for me in our Christmas shows so that we don't have to perform to canned music. I really don't want to start shit with her. But I don't feel good and was planning on getting out of here as soon as I could today. She changed her routine, put responsibility on me, and did not let me know ahead of time. This definitely does not help my eczema epidemic!
Daven must not like when I get upset, because he is kicking like crazy now! I'm sorry, Daven. Mommy will try to calm down.
If you hadn't noticed, A and I decided on a spelling. I had originally wanted -in, he wanted -en. We couldn't really come to a compromise. Then I remembered where I got the name from in the first place - a band called Davenport Cabinet. So I backed down, changed my mind, and decided on Daven. It feels better now that we have a definite name and spelling. I love you, baby boy. And I love you, A.
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