I picked this tea up over the weekend at Rainbow blossom, a small health food store in New Albany. I'll take just about any silly thing to help make me feel better. Plus, I had tried Yogi Tea before and as far as tea bag teas are concerned (I prefer loose leaf tea), it's pretty good. This tea says that it is especially for mothers who are expecting. Hoorah hooray, I bought it.
What I love about this brand of tea is that each tea bag has a nice little quote on the tag at the end of the string. Things like, "Tranquility is the essence of life". Profound stuff like that. Not quite as good as the jokes on the wrappers of Laffy Taffy, but still nice.
I started reading the back of the box while heating up a cup of water for my tea. At first, everything sounds normal. "What a better way to find soothing comfort during pregnancy than with a gentle cup of tea?" Exactly, tea box, just what I was thinking myself!
"Our Woman's Mother To Be supports your body's changes with a balanced, organic formula." Excellent. I'm so glad that it sounds like this is going to be good for me! Hooray, tea box!
I read further down.
"We add raspberry leaf, traditionally used by Western Herbalists to help strengthen and prepare the uterus."
Huh? I'm sorry, what did you say, tea box? What was that about my uterus?
The microwave had dinged by this point, and I dipped my tea bag as I pondered this last statement.
How can drinking a cup of hot tea help to strengthen my uterus? What does that even mean? If I drink this tea everyday, will I have a ute of steel? When my baby gets bigger and starts kicking more, will it sound like steel drums being played? I hope my little one brought his/her drumsticks!
Seriously though, the tea isn't bad. True, I don't taste anything special about this particular tea and I certainly could not tell you if my baby cave is getting any stronger, but the tea is good. It pretty much just tastes like peppermint tea. Although it has all kinds of different things in it, peppermint is what I taste the most of. I can't see that I'll start every day with a cup of this tea, but it is nice to drink. I think I prefer the taste at night though, to the morning. Something about peppermint makes me want to go to sleep!
As for the tea's claim to help with my tummy aches and give me more energy, I think it's too early to tell. I have my doubts though. Maybe it will be the miracle I need to feel super during the work day! ::sarcastic laugh::
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