Today my heart has been acting funny. I'll be sitting or standing, and out of nowhere, my heart will start to beat really fast. And really hard too - I can feel it in my throat and when I put my hand on my chest. It lasts for a few seconds and then goes away. It started at about 10 this morning.
Throughout the day, it seems that it is happening more frequently. Now it's doing it about every 10 minutes. I keep drinking water, hoping that getting hydrated will somehow help. I did have caffeine, but it was at 7:30 this morning, and I (shamefully) have caffeine just about every day. So why is my heart doing this? Do I need to call the doctor? I know that being pregnant makes your body do and feel all kinds of strange, so I don't know if this is one of those weird but normal things, or if I should be scared.
Believe it or not, my eczema is worse now than it was this morning. I wish there was something that could be done about it. I'm dying here! The itch is unbearable, and now my actual eyes are burning.
Thank goodness it's the end of the school day and I can go home. I really could use a margarita!
My heart does the same thing!