What happened last week? I went to Kohl's and got an outfit for our LO. I meant to take a picture of it. Oops. It's got a hippo on it! And comes with a bib! I love hippos!
A and I also bought the baby his or her first stuffed animal. Yoda! He's really cute. And I think even if we have a girl, she'll still like it. I've told A that if we have a boy, he can do the nursery in an outer space/rocket ships/Star Wars theme. Of course the in-laws stuck up their noses. I think it's a neat idea. I doubt that he's going to be able to find actual Star Wars baby bedding, but A's determined to try! If we have a girl, I'm pretty sure I can choose whatever I want. Trust me, I don't want everything to be pink!
I didn't do anything over Labor Day weekend. No laundry, no dishes, no cleaning, nothing. I know that this means I will have so much to do this weekend, but I just couldn't bring myself to. We didn't have any big plans, so I wanted to let A and I relax over the 3 days.
Monday, A's mom made Thanksgiving dinner. Yes, it's September. No, it's not replacing the actual holiday in November. I said a week or two ago how I wish it would hurry up and be the holidays because I really wanted stuffing and gravy and pumpkin pie, and she offered to make a big dinner. My sister-in-law came home from college, so it was a big to-do. Everything was good, although I didn't have a taste for sweet potatoes, which is weird. I first noticed this when we ate at Famous Daves last Fri. A had me take a bite of his mashed sweet potatoes. I normally like them, but didn't. Then I tried to eat one at the big dinner and couldn't take more than one bite. Hopefully this will go away after the little one is born. Man, I wish I could eat this meal again today!
This week has been long. I knew that it would, since it's only a 4 day work week. They always end up feeling just as long. I've been having a lot of growing pains lately, and yesterday my stomach problems were back. Thankfully, I still have managed to keep from throwing up (even after a girl in my class threw up all over my classroom on Tues!) but I couldn't eat lunch. Managed to eat some popcorn at the end of the day, and had some carrots at the (long, terrible, horrible, no good) faculty meeting. But then I felt horrible. We didn't eat dinner until after 8 last night. I felt so bad because I know A was hungry. I just don't get what the baby is trying to do. My LO makes me hurt so I can't eat, and then when I don't eat, he/she gets upset and makes me hurt more.
So now on to today. 19 weeks! Only one week to go until the big ultrasound! Today, the baby is as big as an heirloom tomato.

I made this clarification because one of A's coworkers read my blog and was asking about it. If you're still reading this, thank you so much for the lemon heads you send home with him! I really appreciate it!
Today is my hardest day of the week. I've got a class in here right now and I'm giving them more time than I should because I don't have any other time to update this! Community band at IUS starts tonight, and I'm wary about whether or not I will be able to do it. I still want to play, and I want the baby to be able to hear some good music while still baking in the oven. But rehearsals are 7-9, and I am normally asleep or close to it by then. Working while pregnant makes me so drained and I don't know if I can add this back in to my weekly schedule. But I also don't want to lose my spot. I want to be able to come back next year. I am going to try to go tonight so if nothing else, I can talk to the director face to face.
Ok, I really have to teach. Even though my ute is killing me, I haven't choked down my nasty Nutrigrain bar for breakfast yet and I have a killer headache going on 3 days now. Wish me luck!
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