So my big complaint right now is that I always feel like I have to pee. Always. I can literally stand up to pull my pants back up after peeing and immediately feel like I have to go again. But when I try to go, there's nothing there. Or if there is, it's a tiny tinkle not worth sitting down for. This is super annoying.
I wish I knew for sure when I really for real had to pee and when it's just Daven messing with me and pressing on my bladder. This is not good for my work environment, because I'm finding that sometimes I have to leave a class more than once to waddle to the bathroom!
Daven has been moving around a lot lately. A couple days ago, A was laying with his head on my stomach and Daven kicked him right in the mouth! Also, you can now see my stomach move from across the room when he's being really active. It's pretty neat. Right now he's kicking the crap out of me. I think he's hungry.
I'm happy that all our decorations are up, although my holiday table runner is still MIA! I like coming home from work and being able to turn the tree lights on. I just wish that Mia and Coheed would stop thinking that it's their personal play thing though. I can't seem to keep the ornaments on the tree. And when you catch Mia in the act, she just hides back in the corner of the tree where you can't reach her.
I know that the kitties were under there today because when I got home, three ornaments were on the floor and two of their kitty toys were under the tree!
Well crap, our electric in the house is somehow messed up. I can turn the tree on, but the tv won't turn on. Neither will the dining room or kitchen lights. But the office and the bathroom turn on. WTH? A's dad is going to come over and look. It's not going to be a very fun night if we can't watch our shows or at least record them!
Work today actually wasn't super bad, although I am really tired. I'm really trying not to get too stressed about these next 3 weeks until the Christmas program. We'll see how that goes.
Oh, have I mentioned that both nipples are leaking now? Because they are. And it hurts.
I guess I should figure out what in the world we are going to do for dinner tonight. I was thinking tacos, but then once I got home I realized that I used all the damn tortillas. Does this mean we have an excuse to eat out? I mean, I know we should be using all out $ for Christmas presents, but eating out sounds like such a good idea...