Let's start with Monday's shit list:
- My room was a wreck when I came in this morning.
- Someone stole the lotion from my desk.
- Contrary to popular belief, I cannot, in fact, get on the internet at school without immediately getting another virus.
- This means that I am still without internet at work.
- My electives class are still a bunch of shits.
- My principle has decided (without asking me first) that during our dress rehearsal for the Veteran's Day program on Thursday afternoon, none of the homeroom teachers need to come down with their classes. This means that I will have the following in the church at the same time by myself: 5th, 6th, 7th grades, all of church choir (3-8), my sign language electives, and my band and orchestra.
- I was not told when a teacher asked me to switch months with her for faculty meeting treats that she was the leader, thereby making me the leader responsible for getting the food together. I realized this today. Meeting is on Wednesday.
- My dog has decided that she will no longer pee in the grass. She must pee on the sidewalk.
- I was a bad puppy mama and spanked her butt for peeing there.
- I was a grump on the phone to A when he called.
I feel so guilty for spanking Oreo. I really do. When you think about it, that's a stupid thing to get furious at your dog about. I mean, at least she was going outside, right? But it smells bad when she goes there and people walk there! I've given her plenty of high-pitched praise and pets since then, though. I hope she's not too mad at me.
A and I are going to try a new recipe tonight for honey dijon chicken. I hope it turns out well. I sounds good.
I need to get out of this funk. It's killing my stomach.
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