This morning was my one hour glucose test plus appointment. Even though I could sleep in because my appointment wasn't until 8:40, I couldn't get back to sleep after A left. I just laid there. Don't get me wrong though, that was still better than being at work.
I decided that I was going to drink my orange Glucola through a straw and that hopefully that way I could bypass much of the flavor and get it down easier. Eh, not so much. I really struggled to get those 10oz down in 5 minutes. I cut it close. I tried to distract myself by having the tv going and texting a friend. I did manage to get it down and keep it down, but it wasn't very much fun.
I got to the doctors and got settled in. I haven't lost anymore weight but I haven't gained any either. So I think that puts me still down about 20 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. Blood pressure was good, again pee was good. Daven's heartbeat is nice and strong, and my belly is measuring on target.
On to the lab now to get my blood taken. The nurse tries my left elbow crack, no vein. Right elbow crack, no vein. Thank goodness that she was skilled enough to be able to tell before sticking me that she wouldn't be able to get a good vein. So she ended up sticking my right hand. I think I'm ok at first and I make sure that she kept talking to me. But then it took longer than normal. I was dehydrated because of the mandatory fasting, so she could barely get enough blood. That's when I started to feel bad. I told her I was dizzy and she got me and orange (yes orange - I know, who has them in orange) washcloth. When that didn't seem to help a few minutes later she brought me a sprite. I was glad that she didn't just kick me out of the room before I felt like I could stand. But she did tell me that she hoped for my sake and hers that I didn't have to come back for the 3 hour test, because she didn't know how she would ever get enough blood from me. Yikes.
Hopefully I will know by tomorrow whether or not I passed. I'm doubtful, but you never know.
That stupid drink has made me feel funky for the rest of the day. I've been so super thirsty - I've already drank a liter of water since this morning. And there were points during the afternoon at work where I got dizzy.
Work sucks, two people there made me cry today, but whatever. Fuck it. I'm tired of crying.
So as I was sitting here, getting ready to write my blog entry, and keep in mind I have very bad posture, my right boob moved. What? Wait, it did it again! Daven kicked my stomach so hard that it made my boob move! How weird is that? He's certainly getting stronger!
I'm officially Gimpy McGimperson with an ace bandage around both wrists. The doctor said that the only thing you can really do for carpel tunnel while pregnant is keep your wrists as stable as possible. At least it should go away in my right wrist after Daven gets here.
Also, not much can be done about the back pain. She said there are stretches you can do, but those are hard to do with a growing belly. So I can put heat on it and... that's it!
Ok seriously, Daven, I just peed. Literally less than 5 minutes ago. I know that I don't really have to pee again. So please stop pressing down on mommy's bladder, ok? Kisses. Thanks!
How weird is it that I've gotten to the point in my pregnancy where I have to start seeing the doctor every 2 weeks now? Ahhhhhhhhh! We're getting close!
It wouldn't be a Thursday post without pics of the tum tum. 28 weeks today!
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