We got inside the store, and I could already tell that my patience was going to be tested. There were people everywhere. Um guys, it's not black Friday yet, so give it a rest, please! I had a giftcard and wanted to get something new to wear, so we went back to the maternity section.
I was pissed. Why? Because even though every other section of the farking store had tons of new stuff in for the holidays, maternity didn't have shit. They had the same pants, the same stupid fucking brown leather ugly ass jacket, and some tank tops. I ranted out loud. A store employee pretended like she didn't hear me. I'm sure she did.
Oh, but they did have some short-ass maternity dresses. Yes, because it's not fucking November or anything! Target, if you think I'm getting my pregnant ass into some panty hose so that I can put on one of your ugly dresses, you are out of your mind!
One of the end caps on a wrack of clothes has this short-haired blonde bitch wearing some God-awful ruffly black dress, which was obviously stuffed with a pillow or some other form of fake baby. I cursed her and actually managed to get my leg up high enough to kick her. A said that she couldn't hear me. Too bad.
I did calm down a bit when I found a blue striped sweater with matching scarf that fit from the plus sized section. (yay) Of course it's not even cold enough out today to wear it. But trust me, I'm going to be wearing that thing every week!
I picked up a pack of underwear and A got a computer game. Checking out was surprisingly pleasant because they had so many lanes open. I have honestly never seen that many lanes open at once in a store before. Thumbs up for Target.
The Starbucks inside the Target, however, gets two thumbs down.
Since I was feeling thirsty and a bit dizzy, I wanted something cold. The angels sang out as I looked at their menu and saw that they had pumpkin spice frappuccinos. Hells yes! I couldn't wait to try! I love the hot version, so this kind must be awesome too!
I put in my order.
We're out of pumpkin spice.
I'm sorry, what?
Blank stare.
For fuck's sake! I ended up getting a caramel one, which was tasty and all, but how does SB run out of a spice? It's officially the holiday season - they are not allowed to run out of the holiday favorite!

Now, after waddling around a single store and shouting, I'm worn out. I need another nap. We're supposed to go to a birthday shindig tonight. I hope I'm not a party pooper.
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