This weekend we went up to Muncie for family weekend at Ball State. We left Friday, right after school. I was anxious going into the trip about the car ride and my badder. And I guess I should have been.
It took us over 3 hours to get there because of traffic and pee stops. I managed to make it about 45 min. before we had to stop the first time. Then in another hour, I had to go again. We got off an exit, but there was nothing there but an industrial park, and absolutely no where to stop to pee. Getting back on the interstate, there was bad traffic, and I was stuck. So fucking stuck. Luckily at our first stop they had gotten McDonalds and I used Adam's cup to pee in. Yes, you heard me right. I had to pee in a cup in the van. A held up my jacket so his parents up front couldn't see (although I don't know why they would want to) and I had to will myself to pee in a cup. At least it was a large cup. Good thing too, because I just about filled it up! At least there was still some ice in the cup, so it stayed cold until we could dump it!
When we finally got there, we picked up my SIL and went to a local pizza place. It was pretty good. Then we went back to her dorm for a bit before going to the hotel to check in. All the hotels were so packed for the family weekend that we weren't even in the same place as A's parents. I didn't sleep very well because it was too quiet in the room. I always sleep with a fan on, even in the winer, and there was no fan noise to be found. Oh well.
Saturday, we were like a family of wandering, bickering tourists. My sister L said she needed new shoes, so we went to the local mall. A's mom is a very distracted, ADD shopper though, and it seemed like the whole time we were there, everyone was frustrated that she kept walking off or stopping to look at something. Plus, by that point we were getting hungry and irritable. I did get two maternity shirts at JC Penny's though, at buy one, get one for 88 cents!
Since there wasn't a food court in the mall, we left to go find somewhere to eat. Somehow we got lost, and A's dad drove us around corn fields forever before stopping to ask how to get back to the main road. We ended up at Applebees, where I had some very mediocre french onion soup.
After that, L showed us where she goes to tutor kids, and then on to Target to get some stuff for her dorm. We wandered around there forever too. Got her some fleece jackets, water, juice, cereal and snacks, and headed back to the dorm, where we sat for what felt like a very long time. Although I often miss my college days, I do not miss living in a dorm room!
We went back to the hotel for a little down time before dinner. I wasn't feeling very well and took a nap. A's parents and sister went to hear some comedian who did a show on campus. We didn't eat dinner until late, like quarter til 10 I think. Ate at Texas Roadhouse. At that point, I was really still tired and could have just stayed in bed, but I knew I needed to eat dinner so I went. After that, it was bed time.
Sunday before we left to go home, we went out to lunch. I was feeling pretty icky. We went to Chilis, and I had to sit in the bathroom for a while. Good thing they had just opened and the bathroom was nice and clean! I somehow managed not to barf, and we had lunch. I ate what I could. We went to a store to get some Ball State apparel. I figured that everyone would get something, but it ended up only A and I getting stuff. He and I both got a shirt, and I also got a long sleeved shirt. Then it was time to drop L back off at the dorm so she could finish her laundry and we could head home. I was so ready to get out of there! Of course her parents were sad to leave her, but she's coming home next weekend!
I don't know how I did it, but I managed to only have to stop to pee once on the way home. I guess I slept more than I thought, being able to stretch out in the back of the van. We got home, hugged our furbabies, and rested for a bit. Then A and I went to eat at Olive Garden for dinner, because I was really craving gnocchi. Damn you, food network!
When we came back, we gave all the animals a bath. Yes, even the cats. They have been itchy, and for whatever reason, we keep finding a single flea on them crawling around. Pisses me off, damn fleas! Coheed was actually a better bath-taker than Mia, and we got them both washed with me only obtaining a single scratch. I rewarded the kitties with wet cat food. They both sat up there and ate it in one setting. Then We gave Oreo a bath, and she was a good girl! She even let me dry her with the hair dryer and then brush her. God, I missed my babies while we were gone!
A stayed home today, and we have been vegging out this afternoon. The house was such a mess that we cleaned a bit this morning, but now I'm sitting here on my computer and he's playing his video game. Tonight my friend panda is coming over and we're going to have chinese. I've been wanting eggrolls ever since they mentioned them on Law and Order. I still haven't taken a shower. Oops.
So, did you make it through my long-winded, boring update? Did you? ::claps hands:: Yay! You should feel accomplished! I always feel like my entries are too long. Well then I'll leave you with this. It's my little Mia snuggling up with Daven. I took this picture this morning.