I really don't know how A puts up with me. Every night it's the same thing: he'll ask me what I want for dinner, I'll say I don't know, that nothing sounds good, and then 2 hours later after I'm in tears from stomach pains, we'll finally figure something out. I really wish he didn't have to wait on me to eat!
For whatever reason, the belly baby doesn't like meat. I can't eat meat at all. I've tried. I can't. So this, combined with the fact that I'm still a hermit and don't want to actually go anywhere for my food means extremely limited options for dinner.
I can't do milk or any dairy-based foods either. No cereal, no ice cream, no potato soup, no decaf chai.
Maybe the baby is going to come out looking like a big loaf of bread. Oh, what I wouldn't give for a giant loaf of homemade bread!
I took a long-ass nap earlier, because I had to get up early to teach my voice lesson this morning. I really don't know what I'm going to do when I have to go back to work next month. I'll make it through one half hour class and then just pass out on the floor. I don't think I would be able to keep my job that way!
I also really want a big plastic bottle of Dr. Pepper. ::drools:: I'd like to think that I have been really good so far about caffeine. Before getting pregnant, I was up to 3 energy drinks a day to keep me going at work (yikes, I know). Now I only have one per week. Ok, so maybe that won't be true if I don't hold out and go down the street to the Save a Step and get me some Dr. but I'm trying really hard! And 200 - 300 mg a day is acceptable supposedly. Although since I'm not eating much more than bread right now, I should probably try harder to be healthy. ::sighs:: I just can't eat anything my tummy tells me not to!
1 week and 1 day until my first appointment! Scary.
Have I mentioned that being pregnant makes me feel stupid?
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