It seems that summer has all of a sudden gone so quickly! Of course, not day by day when I'm in agonizing pain! But today was the day - 11 weeks! Thank goodness A was able to go into work late so that he could come with me. Not only did I need someone to hold my hand while I was getting blood taken, but I wanted him there to hear the heartbeat.
So we go into the building, up to the second floor, and into a very nice waiting room area that they call the living room. I sign in and hand them my new patient info that I'd printed and filled out ahead of time. They gave me forms for two tests that I could opt to have, an HIV and a cystic fibrosis blood test, but I said no thanks. I know that I don't have HIV, and if I had the other thing, there's nothing they could do anyway. And it's not like I'm going to give the thing up or terminate it for any reason. Plus, call me a p***y but I really didn't want any more blood than necessary taken.
I feel like we're waiting forever, but we really didn't wait that long. When we got called back, they weighed me, took my blood pressure and made me pee in a cup. Then it was a few questions in the exam room before I was told to take off my pants. You should have seen the look on A's face. Even though he knew it was coming and that yes, I would have to take off my pants for this visit, it didn't make it any less awkward for him. Or me, to be honest. Unless I'm getting into the shower or A and I are (ahem) spending some time together, my pants stay on.
So I hop back up on the table and attempt to cover my wide arse with the paper towel sheet. A just looks at me and shakes his head. I thought to myself, hey, at least
your privates aren't about to get invaded! Beth, our midwife comes in shortly after, and she is really nice right off the bat. I admitted that I was still a little uneasy with my pants off and she told me about one of her patients who had a 3 year old little boy that was screaming and crying because his mommy had her pants off and he kept begging her to put her pants back on. I hope he never catches daddy with mommy then!!
The whole time we were there, I kept dreading the blood draw. It made me so nervous during everything else. As weepy and sentimental as I've been, you would think that I would have cried when we heard the heartbeat. But I was too worried about what was coming next! It was fun though, getting to hear. When she gelled me and put the doppler on, I kept thinking, is that it? Is that it? There were all kinds of swooshy sounds coming from the machine. At last, very low and to the left, she found him/her. A little one, with a heartbeat twice as fast as mine. Hooray! I could tell that A was happy. And even though it didn't cross my mind at that time, we are both very relieved that there is only one baby in there!
Then comes the icky stuff. Pap smear with the speculum or whatever it's called - ouch! Feeling the uterus - ouch! Then back out to the "living room" to wait to have my blood drawn. It took the lab tech forever to find a vein, but thank goodness she took her time to do so. I hate when they poke around just to try to get it done faster! A held my hand and the woman talked to me about my baby while she very quickly took 3 viles of blood. my arm crack sure hurts now!

I felt a little wobbly in the elevator back down, but other than that I was fine. They gave me a baggie of goodies - turns out its mostly a bag of ads and crap. The cats keep trying to bite the handles of the bag. Goobers. Then A took me to McDonalds and I had some hotcakes. I really don't know if I have ever had them from there before, but they were yummy. Then A dropped me off and went off to work. I've love to take a nap, but American Windows is putting on new siding on the house and the constant hammering is going to prevent such a nap.
All in all, it's a pretty good day so far. And guess what? The baby is the size of a lime now!