I know the picture quality isn't the best, but there wasn't a lot of light at Long Horn. Daven slept peacefully the whole time.
Last night was the first night that we finally attempted to sleep upstairs - us in our bed and Daven in his crib. He did really well until about 3 in the morning. Then he just couldn't get full. He'd feed for 40 min, I'd change him and just when he looked like he might go to sleep, he started screaming he was hungry again. So then he fed for the same amount of time again. Same thing. When he wanted to eat for a third time 20 min later, my breasts could not take it. Luckily I had one more bottle of breast milk in the fridge, so we headed downstairs for the recliner with the bottle. Then we napped there while daddy went to work.
I haven't pumped any yet today because I have either been sleeping at the same time as him or he has wanted to eat every two hours. It has been a bit tiring when he wants to eat for a full hour and then eat again an hour later, but I'm managing so far. Daddy got to come home early because of all the snow so he's got the baby now and I'm taking my chance to blog.
Here are just a few faces I managed to capture earlier today.
He looks so peaceful in his bassinet! But in reality, he only slept like this for about 10 min!
Although I would have never pegged myself this way before Daven was born, I think I'm an attached parent. There is this whole thing on attachment parenting and the more I read, the more I feel like I fit the profile. We breastfeed, I hold him in my moby wrap, and I all around can't put him down. A lot of attached parents co-sleep in bed, but I am trying not to do this for fear of one of us rolling over on him. That being said, Daven and I do co-sleep at least once a day in the recliner. I'm not really sure if this is a good thing or bad thing, and I know that it will be beyond tough when I have to go back to work, but I just can't help it. I love holding my baby and being close to him.
Ok I'm going to lay down now. Lets see how long it takes for the baby to be hungry again ;)
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