I've decided to just leave it and go on.
I am 31 weeks today! 6 more weeks until Daven is considered full-term. 9 more weeks until my due date! Baby Daven should now weigh as much as 4 navel oranges, however much that is.

Ow. Ow, ow. Daven just kicked my ribs on my right side. He is a wiggle worm!
I'm still pretty itchy. But I keep forgetting to put the steroid cream on, so I couldn't tell you whether or not it actually works. Oops.
I can't remember if I already posted about this or if it was in the one post that got left aside, but both nipples are now leaking. And it hurts! I have to put lotion on them twice a day, otherwise they will get stuck to the inside of my bra, and THAT is no fun at all.
So now that I am able to eat much like a normal person again, Daven has traded that with my good night's sleep. I get up about every hour to pee each night. I'm having a hard time getting comfortable as well. People warned me that sleep in 3rd tri supposedly gets you ready for your sleepless nights with your newborn baby. I think they are right. I will take that bad sleep though, if it means that Daven stays put for a while longer!
I have now officially deemed myself as a people-penguin. This is because I waddle slowly from side to side when I walk now. Did I mention how slow I am? I'm pretty sure this little guy could outrun me!
If only I was as cute as this little buddy! Look at him!
Lots of things have been going on at work that I could complain about, but I wouldn't want all those bad thoughts to share the same space as Pengy here, so I'm just going to skip that.
It wouldn't be a Thursday without belly pics!
I love you Daven! Keep moving and growing!
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