As of last Thursday, Christmas eve, Daven is as bulky as a cantaloupe.

Here's me on Christmas eve at 34 weeks.

It's pretty exciting to think that next year will be Daven's first Christmas. Things will be so different! And yes, he will be getting his picture taken with Santa!
So last week I did a lot of shopping. And wrapping. It was worth it though. Last Monday was hard because it was Grandma's birthday. I went with my aunt and my grandpa to her grave. It was the first time I had been out there since the funeral. Then we had lunch. It made my grandpa really happy that I was there, although I can tell that he is sad. He does have cancer in his throat, and he told me before I left that he thinks this will be his last Christmas. I love you, grandpa, and you should know better than to tell your 8 months pregnant granddaughter something like that!
I also met A at work for lunch last week. We had Skyline Chili, and it was delicious. I was so upset that I couldn't finish my plate. Mmmm, I could totally have that again today...
Christmas eve we went over to my uncle's house to have Christmas with my mom's side of the family. That was interesting. Everyone quoted Christmas Vacation and got drunk. My uncle was so busy drinking beer he didn't even eat any dinner. Something is wrong with that.
We were over there quite a while because after dinner my mom and her brothers were all in the kitchen "cleaning". Yeah, that means drinking. Everyone kept asking me over and over if I knew whether it was a boy or a girl. Um, you all asked me this last time I saw you! We exchanged giftcards and I was allowed to sit in the comfy recliner.
Christmas day was nonstop. We started by opening presents, just A and I. He got me a netbook! I'm using it right now! And it's blue! I've also got a Nook ordered that I should get in a few weeks. And I got a few blueray movies. A really spoils me.
Then we went to A's parents for breakfast. I had pancakes with sprinkles. A had scrambled eggs with cheese and turkey bacon. Then we opened presents over there. They got us our travel system! I got a new coat and a few sweaters. I got more than that, but I honestly can't remember.
Next was over to my parents' house. We had dinner over there. I had to eat tiny portions of everything because I don't have room in my belly to fit anything in there!
Mom got us a bassinet, so now at least if Daven comes early and the nursery isn't finished, he will have some place to sleep! I also got a really nice ring. It doesn't fit on my pregnant fingers though! I'm hoping that in a few months it will fit. If not, I'll have to go get it sized. Oh, and I got a Charlie Brown nativity set! I don't know where mom found it, but it's so cute! Even A approved! How can you not when Woodstock is baby Jesus?
I took a short nap after dinner and my sister and her boyfriend came over about 10 minutes before we had to leave. I swear, she better not say anything about us not giving a shit about her again when we all got her presents and she showed up empty-handed. Granted, I wasn't expecting anything from her, but she likes to have these pity parties for herself and spout things that aren't true. Thank goodness my other sister is on track with shit. I don't think I could handle having two siblings having issues!
After this we went home long enough to let Oreo out. Then we headed over to my grandpa's. We sat there for a while and talked while they ate. I would have liked to eat there, but knew I shouldn't since we were going over to A's parents again.
Got back over to his parents' house and things were crazy like I expected. All the nephews were running wild, all hopped up on sugar. We had dinner and opened presents. I loved that my youngest nephew liked his Sponge Bob pjs. The others did not like their clothes, and I knew they wouldn't, but I wasn't about to spend a bunch of money on them when they aren't going to be grateful no matter what you give them.
We got a few things for Daven, including an aquarium scene that hangs on the crib. It's really cool. We finally got home after 9 at night and A and I relaxed on the couch and watched Monsters vs. Aliens. Loved it!
I spent the rest of the weekend relaxing with A and just kind of hanging out. We went to a hibachi grill with his sister and brother and everyone. We wanted to go to Maido, but when I called Sat. to make reservations, they weren't open! I was so mad!
I really wish that A had the week off like I do. I want him to be home. I know I should be up and cleaning the house, but I just don't feel very good. I know Daven doesn't mean it, but he's killing my ribs and making it rather difficult to breath. I really hope that when I go back to work next week I'm able to manage.
Today is A's sister's birthday. We're going out later tonight to have dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I've never been before. I've got to go out sometime today and get her a gift. I just don't know what to get her, since I just got her everything I could think of for Christmas. I can't even seem to manage to get off my ass to take a shower!
Well, I'm sure this has been really long and boring to read. I'll really try to keep updating more often.
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