Ok, ok, so last Thursday was the 32 week mark. Had my appointment. Daven's still doing great!
What's a jicama? Whatever it is, that's how big Daven is supposed to be. I personally feel like he's bigger than that!

Also, here are my pics from last Thursday at 32 weeks. Again, sorry that it's taken me this long!
Sorry about the dirty mirror. That damn thing just won't stay clean and I have better things to do!
So, a lot has been going on, but not that I could recall everything or have time to write it all down. I was sick. It was miserable trying to work at the same time. My doctor gave me some antibiotics last week that I just finished taking a few nights ago. It helped. I've still got a cough and some chest gunk, but it's nothing compared to how I was feeling.
The bad thing is that I got A sick. Hopefully he doesn't get it as bad as I had it. I feel so guilty though, because I know that it is all my fault that he's feeling bad. I also may have gotten one of my friends sick, even though she was only over at my house once last week and we didn't even touch. Damn I suck.
A's mom was in the hospital a few nights ago. She was having heart problems and had to stay overnight for observation and testing. I really hope that everything comes back ok. I was really worried about her.
Also, it's still to be heard whether or not my grandpa has cancer again. They cut some sort of mass out of his throat last week and he was supposed to get the results a few days ago. I still haven't heard. I really hope that he's not sick, because I'm not sure that he will even be willing to go through radiation at his age, and we've just gotten to the point where I can really be close to him and spend regular time together. This can't be happening now, with Daven so close to being here. He's got to have his Great Grandpa here to play with! I keep waiting to hear from my aunt about the results.
In other news, my mother has decided that she is going to do my baby shower. I was really excited that she actually wanted to do it! But now she's being all weird, just like she was when we were trying to plan my wedding, and it makes me immediately feel guilty. A's mom wants to invite too many people. Mom doesn't want the shower to be big. Mom doesn't want any kids to be there (which will only affect one person, and that makes me sad that she won't be able to come if her two sweet girls aren't with her). Mom only wants to have cake and punch - no veggies or finger foods and sandwiches. Ahhh! I'm trying to just let her do her thing. Trying!
I also found out that my school is going to have a shower for me during our inservice day in Jan. I really wasn't expecting them to do anything honestly.
Well, the dress rehearsal is this afternoon and the program is tomorrow. I'm so close I can taste it! But there's also a lot to be done. Like decorating the gym and folding the programs once they are printed. I am so looking forward to break. I haven't bought hardly any Christmas presents yet.
Well, I've got to get ready for my next class. Wish me luck!
Ok, so glad you finally got to update. I hope things turn out well for both your mil and grandpa! But to your mom and the baby shower. You need to explain to her that the most people possible need to be invited because the more people the more stuff ie the less you have to spend money on. And if she doesnt want to do more than cake and punch thats fine but she needs to be ok with guests or your mil or yourself beinjg additional food. She is planning this but this is YOUR baby shower not hers and you should be able to have what you want when you want.