We interviewed my old doctor today. I always liked him and so did my parents, so we went in to talk to him about being Daven's doctor. He was just as nice as I remember him being and A really liked him. He even remembered me!
He talked to us about how one of the doctors would come out to the hospital to examine Daven after he's born, about breastfeeding and vaccinations. I feel a lot better now knowing that this is one thing we can cross off the list. Plus, their office is super close to our house.
A's mom recommended a daycare for us to look at because one of her coworkers just had a baby and said that she really liked it there. I called, and no one answered. Since we were already out, we decided to try to go there anywhere. Well we found the place, but it looks like they are closed this week. They should at least have a voice mail! It's in a small church that's pretty close to my work. I'm going to try calling them next week to set up an appointment. Hopefully this place will work out. I know it sounds lazy, but I really just don't feel like going around to a ton of places.
So my aunt and cousin from Hawaii are in town. I went and had dinner with them last night and then hung out at my grandpa's for a while. I had no idea though, that I was going to get bombarded with concerns from her about my birthing process.
It all started when we were sitting at Olive Garden waiting for a table and she asked me if I had taken any birthing classes.
No, I haven't.
But this is the most important thing you are going to have to do in your life. How are you going to do this without being prepared?
I don't say anything, but I'm thinking to myself that I'll probably just push when the doctor tells me to.
Luckily the buzzer saves me, we get a table, and I think this is the last I've heard about the subject.
We get back to grandpa's and A gets off work and comes over. Then she really lays it on me.
You need to make sure that you have a vaginal birth.
If you are not prepared for labor, you might end up with a c-section.
::thinking to myself:: I could end up with a c-section anyway...
She then spouts off this list of things that could go wrong with the baby if we have to have a c-section, about all the developmental delays that could happen, all the reflexes that the baby might not have or may have too much of.
I mostly just sit there and listen to what she's saying. I know that she's smart and passionate about what she studies. It just happens to be my luck that she has decided to choose now to do all this research on infants.
I do not want to have a c-section by any means. But I also do not think that anything that I do is going to cause me to have to have one. And if it comes down to it, I will do whatever I can to make sure that Daven comes out healthy and unharmed.
I just hope that she doesn't feel the need to talk about this every time I see her while she's here the next two weeks!
Guess what? Tomorrow is a very important milestone - 35/35!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
The holidays makes me a lazy blogger
Hope everyone had a good Christmas. Even though ours was exhausting, it was good too.
As of last Thursday, Christmas eve, Daven is as bulky as a cantaloupe.
And let me tell you - it sure feels like I'm carrying around a big melon! Don't get me wrong though. I am so glad that he is still an inside baby growing and healthy!
Here's me on Christmas eve at 34 weeks.

It's pretty exciting to think that next year will be Daven's first Christmas. Things will be so different! And yes, he will be getting his picture taken with Santa!
So last week I did a lot of shopping. And wrapping. It was worth it though. Last Monday was hard because it was Grandma's birthday. I went with my aunt and my grandpa to her grave. It was the first time I had been out there since the funeral. Then we had lunch. It made my grandpa really happy that I was there, although I can tell that he is sad. He does have cancer in his throat, and he told me before I left that he thinks this will be his last Christmas. I love you, grandpa, and you should know better than to tell your 8 months pregnant granddaughter something like that!
I also met A at work for lunch last week. We had Skyline Chili, and it was delicious. I was so upset that I couldn't finish my plate. Mmmm, I could totally have that again today...
Christmas eve we went over to my uncle's house to have Christmas with my mom's side of the family. That was interesting. Everyone quoted Christmas Vacation and got drunk. My uncle was so busy drinking beer he didn't even eat any dinner. Something is wrong with that.
We were over there quite a while because after dinner my mom and her brothers were all in the kitchen "cleaning". Yeah, that means drinking. Everyone kept asking me over and over if I knew whether it was a boy or a girl. Um, you all asked me this last time I saw you! We exchanged giftcards and I was allowed to sit in the comfy recliner.
Christmas day was nonstop. We started by opening presents, just A and I. He got me a netbook! I'm using it right now! And it's blue! I've also got a Nook ordered that I should get in a few weeks. And I got a few blueray movies. A really spoils me.
Then we went to A's parents for breakfast. I had pancakes with sprinkles. A had scrambled eggs with cheese and turkey bacon. Then we opened presents over there. They got us our travel system! I got a new coat and a few sweaters. I got more than that, but I honestly can't remember.
Next was over to my parents' house. We had dinner over there. I had to eat tiny portions of everything because I don't have room in my belly to fit anything in there!
Mom got us a bassinet, so now at least if Daven comes early and the nursery isn't finished, he will have some place to sleep! I also got a really nice ring. It doesn't fit on my pregnant fingers though! I'm hoping that in a few months it will fit. If not, I'll have to go get it sized. Oh, and I got a Charlie Brown nativity set! I don't know where mom found it, but it's so cute! Even A approved! How can you not when Woodstock is baby Jesus?
I took a short nap after dinner and my sister and her boyfriend came over about 10 minutes before we had to leave. I swear, she better not say anything about us not giving a shit about her again when we all got her presents and she showed up empty-handed. Granted, I wasn't expecting anything from her, but she likes to have these pity parties for herself and spout things that aren't true. Thank goodness my other sister is on track with shit. I don't think I could handle having two siblings having issues!
After this we went home long enough to let Oreo out. Then we headed over to my grandpa's. We sat there for a while and talked while they ate. I would have liked to eat there, but knew I shouldn't since we were going over to A's parents again.
Got back over to his parents' house and things were crazy like I expected. All the nephews were running wild, all hopped up on sugar. We had dinner and opened presents. I loved that my youngest nephew liked his Sponge Bob pjs. The others did not like their clothes, and I knew they wouldn't, but I wasn't about to spend a bunch of money on them when they aren't going to be grateful no matter what you give them.
We got a few things for Daven, including an aquarium scene that hangs on the crib. It's really cool. We finally got home after 9 at night and A and I relaxed on the couch and watched Monsters vs. Aliens. Loved it!
I spent the rest of the weekend relaxing with A and just kind of hanging out. We went to a hibachi grill with his sister and brother and everyone. We wanted to go to Maido, but when I called Sat. to make reservations, they weren't open! I was so mad!
I really wish that A had the week off like I do. I want him to be home. I know I should be up and cleaning the house, but I just don't feel very good. I know Daven doesn't mean it, but he's killing my ribs and making it rather difficult to breath. I really hope that when I go back to work next week I'm able to manage.
Today is A's sister's birthday. We're going out later tonight to have dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I've never been before. I've got to go out sometime today and get her a gift. I just don't know what to get her, since I just got her everything I could think of for Christmas. I can't even seem to manage to get off my ass to take a shower!
Well, I'm sure this has been really long and boring to read. I'll really try to keep updating more often.
As of last Thursday, Christmas eve, Daven is as bulky as a cantaloupe.

Here's me on Christmas eve at 34 weeks.

It's pretty exciting to think that next year will be Daven's first Christmas. Things will be so different! And yes, he will be getting his picture taken with Santa!
So last week I did a lot of shopping. And wrapping. It was worth it though. Last Monday was hard because it was Grandma's birthday. I went with my aunt and my grandpa to her grave. It was the first time I had been out there since the funeral. Then we had lunch. It made my grandpa really happy that I was there, although I can tell that he is sad. He does have cancer in his throat, and he told me before I left that he thinks this will be his last Christmas. I love you, grandpa, and you should know better than to tell your 8 months pregnant granddaughter something like that!
I also met A at work for lunch last week. We had Skyline Chili, and it was delicious. I was so upset that I couldn't finish my plate. Mmmm, I could totally have that again today...
Christmas eve we went over to my uncle's house to have Christmas with my mom's side of the family. That was interesting. Everyone quoted Christmas Vacation and got drunk. My uncle was so busy drinking beer he didn't even eat any dinner. Something is wrong with that.
We were over there quite a while because after dinner my mom and her brothers were all in the kitchen "cleaning". Yeah, that means drinking. Everyone kept asking me over and over if I knew whether it was a boy or a girl. Um, you all asked me this last time I saw you! We exchanged giftcards and I was allowed to sit in the comfy recliner.
Christmas day was nonstop. We started by opening presents, just A and I. He got me a netbook! I'm using it right now! And it's blue! I've also got a Nook ordered that I should get in a few weeks. And I got a few blueray movies. A really spoils me.
Then we went to A's parents for breakfast. I had pancakes with sprinkles. A had scrambled eggs with cheese and turkey bacon. Then we opened presents over there. They got us our travel system! I got a new coat and a few sweaters. I got more than that, but I honestly can't remember.
Next was over to my parents' house. We had dinner over there. I had to eat tiny portions of everything because I don't have room in my belly to fit anything in there!
Mom got us a bassinet, so now at least if Daven comes early and the nursery isn't finished, he will have some place to sleep! I also got a really nice ring. It doesn't fit on my pregnant fingers though! I'm hoping that in a few months it will fit. If not, I'll have to go get it sized. Oh, and I got a Charlie Brown nativity set! I don't know where mom found it, but it's so cute! Even A approved! How can you not when Woodstock is baby Jesus?
I took a short nap after dinner and my sister and her boyfriend came over about 10 minutes before we had to leave. I swear, she better not say anything about us not giving a shit about her again when we all got her presents and she showed up empty-handed. Granted, I wasn't expecting anything from her, but she likes to have these pity parties for herself and spout things that aren't true. Thank goodness my other sister is on track with shit. I don't think I could handle having two siblings having issues!
After this we went home long enough to let Oreo out. Then we headed over to my grandpa's. We sat there for a while and talked while they ate. I would have liked to eat there, but knew I shouldn't since we were going over to A's parents again.
Got back over to his parents' house and things were crazy like I expected. All the nephews were running wild, all hopped up on sugar. We had dinner and opened presents. I loved that my youngest nephew liked his Sponge Bob pjs. The others did not like their clothes, and I knew they wouldn't, but I wasn't about to spend a bunch of money on them when they aren't going to be grateful no matter what you give them.
We got a few things for Daven, including an aquarium scene that hangs on the crib. It's really cool. We finally got home after 9 at night and A and I relaxed on the couch and watched Monsters vs. Aliens. Loved it!
I spent the rest of the weekend relaxing with A and just kind of hanging out. We went to a hibachi grill with his sister and brother and everyone. We wanted to go to Maido, but when I called Sat. to make reservations, they weren't open! I was so mad!
I really wish that A had the week off like I do. I want him to be home. I know I should be up and cleaning the house, but I just don't feel very good. I know Daven doesn't mean it, but he's killing my ribs and making it rather difficult to breath. I really hope that when I go back to work next week I'm able to manage.
Today is A's sister's birthday. We're going out later tonight to have dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I've never been before. I've got to go out sometime today and get her a gift. I just don't know what to get her, since I just got her everything I could think of for Christmas. I can't even seem to manage to get off my ass to take a shower!
Well, I'm sure this has been really long and boring to read. I'll really try to keep updating more often.
Friday, December 18, 2009
The end is in sight!
I've got one more class today to get through, and then no more until next year! Granted, I still have a lot of stuff to get done this afternoon in my free time here at work to get ready for when we come back from break, but it's almost Christmas break! I'm so excited!
The Christmas program was yesterday, and although I was dead on my feet by the end, everyone said that it went well. I thought that the kids did a nice job. I am so glad that it's over. The program ended up being an hour and a half long. Do that twice in a day, and you really don't have much left in you to give! A was nice enough to come and watch, just like he does every year. I know that it's really torture for him (hell, I probably wouldn't want to sit through it either!) but he's super supportive, so he came. Love you, A!
Since said program was yesterday, I didn't have a chance to do my normal Thursday post. So here it is today.
How big is baby Daven now? He's a pineapple!
I like when his size comparison is with a fruit I actually like!
Did I mention in my last post that my morning sickness has come back out of nowhere? Because it has. I'm not a fan. And neither are my stomach muscles. I'm hoping though, with the next 2 weeks off that it won't affect me. See, I never seen to get sick in the morning when I don't have to get up early and go to work. Even if I still end up waking up relatively early, like 7 or 8, it normally won't bother me. But on days that the alarm goes off a little after 6, that's when it's bad. Go figure.
It's really weird to think that when I come back to work, I will really only have a month before Daven is supposed to be here! How crazy is that?
Here's a different kind of pic for you. I took this sometime within the past week. It's the top view of my tummy.
Pretty strange that my tummy actually sticks out further than my boobs, huh?
And here are the pics that you're used to seeing. You've gotta love the closed eyes in the first one!

I love you, baby Daven! We can't wait to meet you!
The Christmas program was yesterday, and although I was dead on my feet by the end, everyone said that it went well. I thought that the kids did a nice job. I am so glad that it's over. The program ended up being an hour and a half long. Do that twice in a day, and you really don't have much left in you to give! A was nice enough to come and watch, just like he does every year. I know that it's really torture for him (hell, I probably wouldn't want to sit through it either!) but he's super supportive, so he came. Love you, A!
Since said program was yesterday, I didn't have a chance to do my normal Thursday post. So here it is today.
How big is baby Daven now? He's a pineapple!

Did I mention in my last post that my morning sickness has come back out of nowhere? Because it has. I'm not a fan. And neither are my stomach muscles. I'm hoping though, with the next 2 weeks off that it won't affect me. See, I never seen to get sick in the morning when I don't have to get up early and go to work. Even if I still end up waking up relatively early, like 7 or 8, it normally won't bother me. But on days that the alarm goes off a little after 6, that's when it's bad. Go figure.
It's really weird to think that when I come back to work, I will really only have a month before Daven is supposed to be here! How crazy is that?
Here's a different kind of pic for you. I took this sometime within the past week. It's the top view of my tummy.
And here are the pics that you're used to seeing. You've gotta love the closed eyes in the first one!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
I know it's been a week. I'm sorry. I really am. I have been meaning to get on here and shit. With the stress of the Christmas program and getting sick, I feel like I've lost my mind. There just isn't enough time in the day!
Ok, ok, so last Thursday was the 32 week mark. Had my appointment. Daven's still doing great!
What's a jicama? Whatever it is, that's how big Daven is supposed to be. I personally feel like he's bigger than that!
Looks like a potato to me, and I know that my baby boy is bigger than a potato!
Also, here are my pics from last Thursday at 32 weeks. Again, sorry that it's taken me this long!

Sorry about the dirty mirror. That damn thing just won't stay clean and I have better things to do!
So, a lot has been going on, but not that I could recall everything or have time to write it all down. I was sick. It was miserable trying to work at the same time. My doctor gave me some antibiotics last week that I just finished taking a few nights ago. It helped. I've still got a cough and some chest gunk, but it's nothing compared to how I was feeling.
The bad thing is that I got A sick. Hopefully he doesn't get it as bad as I had it. I feel so guilty though, because I know that it is all my fault that he's feeling bad. I also may have gotten one of my friends sick, even though she was only over at my house once last week and we didn't even touch. Damn I suck.
A's mom was in the hospital a few nights ago. She was having heart problems and had to stay overnight for observation and testing. I really hope that everything comes back ok. I was really worried about her.
Also, it's still to be heard whether or not my grandpa has cancer again. They cut some sort of mass out of his throat last week and he was supposed to get the results a few days ago. I still haven't heard. I really hope that he's not sick, because I'm not sure that he will even be willing to go through radiation at his age, and we've just gotten to the point where I can really be close to him and spend regular time together. This can't be happening now, with Daven so close to being here. He's got to have his Great Grandpa here to play with! I keep waiting to hear from my aunt about the results.
In other news, my mother has decided that she is going to do my baby shower. I was really excited that she actually wanted to do it! But now she's being all weird, just like she was when we were trying to plan my wedding, and it makes me immediately feel guilty. A's mom wants to invite too many people. Mom doesn't want the shower to be big. Mom doesn't want any kids to be there (which will only affect one person, and that makes me sad that she won't be able to come if her two sweet girls aren't with her). Mom only wants to have cake and punch - no veggies or finger foods and sandwiches. Ahhh! I'm trying to just let her do her thing. Trying!
I also found out that my school is going to have a shower for me during our inservice day in Jan. I really wasn't expecting them to do anything honestly.
Well, the dress rehearsal is this afternoon and the program is tomorrow. I'm so close I can taste it! But there's also a lot to be done. Like decorating the gym and folding the programs once they are printed. I am so looking forward to break. I haven't bought hardly any Christmas presents yet.
Well, I've got to get ready for my next class. Wish me luck!
Ok, ok, so last Thursday was the 32 week mark. Had my appointment. Daven's still doing great!
What's a jicama? Whatever it is, that's how big Daven is supposed to be. I personally feel like he's bigger than that!

Also, here are my pics from last Thursday at 32 weeks. Again, sorry that it's taken me this long!
Sorry about the dirty mirror. That damn thing just won't stay clean and I have better things to do!
So, a lot has been going on, but not that I could recall everything or have time to write it all down. I was sick. It was miserable trying to work at the same time. My doctor gave me some antibiotics last week that I just finished taking a few nights ago. It helped. I've still got a cough and some chest gunk, but it's nothing compared to how I was feeling.
The bad thing is that I got A sick. Hopefully he doesn't get it as bad as I had it. I feel so guilty though, because I know that it is all my fault that he's feeling bad. I also may have gotten one of my friends sick, even though she was only over at my house once last week and we didn't even touch. Damn I suck.
A's mom was in the hospital a few nights ago. She was having heart problems and had to stay overnight for observation and testing. I really hope that everything comes back ok. I was really worried about her.
Also, it's still to be heard whether or not my grandpa has cancer again. They cut some sort of mass out of his throat last week and he was supposed to get the results a few days ago. I still haven't heard. I really hope that he's not sick, because I'm not sure that he will even be willing to go through radiation at his age, and we've just gotten to the point where I can really be close to him and spend regular time together. This can't be happening now, with Daven so close to being here. He's got to have his Great Grandpa here to play with! I keep waiting to hear from my aunt about the results.
In other news, my mother has decided that she is going to do my baby shower. I was really excited that she actually wanted to do it! But now she's being all weird, just like she was when we were trying to plan my wedding, and it makes me immediately feel guilty. A's mom wants to invite too many people. Mom doesn't want the shower to be big. Mom doesn't want any kids to be there (which will only affect one person, and that makes me sad that she won't be able to come if her two sweet girls aren't with her). Mom only wants to have cake and punch - no veggies or finger foods and sandwiches. Ahhh! I'm trying to just let her do her thing. Trying!
I also found out that my school is going to have a shower for me during our inservice day in Jan. I really wasn't expecting them to do anything honestly.
Well, the dress rehearsal is this afternoon and the program is tomorrow. I'm so close I can taste it! But there's also a lot to be done. Like decorating the gym and folding the programs once they are printed. I am so looking forward to break. I haven't bought hardly any Christmas presents yet.
Well, I've got to get ready for my next class. Wish me luck!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
::sniffle sniffle::
I haven't updated in a few days. I'm sorry. I've felt sick since Sunday. I knew this was going to happen, because I get sick every year in December before the Christmas program.
Sunday - Sore throat and my nose started to run. Didn't go out to eat with my family.
Monday - Same, plus stuffy nose. Went on my plan to get some Tylenol Cold. Immediately threw up my lunch. Luckily some teachers were near by and they insisted that I go home from work 2 hours early. Although I never actually took my temp, I'm pretty sure I was running a fever because I was chilled all day and then later that night when I woke up from a nap, I was drenched in sweat.
Tuesday - Add in an ear ache. Yay! I felt a little better immediately after taking each dose of meds, but that wears off before the 4 hour wait period is over to take the stuff again. I had to stay after school for a meeting, and my whimpy ass didn't get home until 5! I had so much trouble getting to sleep. I had restless legs like crazy.
Today - Argh, my ears! I blow my nose (eleventy-billion times) and one of my ears will pop. If this isn't painful enough, I then feel immediately dizzy. That lasts until my ear manages to go back to "normal". I could feel some fluid moving around in my right ear - yuck. I'm also starting to develop a bit of a cough. Boo. I've been walking around school today looking like a zombie.
I really have to thank A for taking care of me and listening to my constant complaining. I love him so much. He's got to be sick of me being sick by now. I just really hope that he doesn't get whatever I have! I love you, handsome hubby!
Despite my misery, Daven seems to be doing ok. He's just been kickin' up a storm in there. Granted, a lot of his kicks are going directly into the right side of my ribcage, but I'll endure that. He's got to be running out of room!
I've got an appointment after school tomorrow, and hopefully that goes well.
I need a nap. Bad. This people penguin needs to go home!
Sunday - Sore throat and my nose started to run. Didn't go out to eat with my family.
Monday - Same, plus stuffy nose. Went on my plan to get some Tylenol Cold. Immediately threw up my lunch. Luckily some teachers were near by and they insisted that I go home from work 2 hours early. Although I never actually took my temp, I'm pretty sure I was running a fever because I was chilled all day and then later that night when I woke up from a nap, I was drenched in sweat.
Tuesday - Add in an ear ache. Yay! I felt a little better immediately after taking each dose of meds, but that wears off before the 4 hour wait period is over to take the stuff again. I had to stay after school for a meeting, and my whimpy ass didn't get home until 5! I had so much trouble getting to sleep. I had restless legs like crazy.
Today - Argh, my ears! I blow my nose (eleventy-billion times) and one of my ears will pop. If this isn't painful enough, I then feel immediately dizzy. That lasts until my ear manages to go back to "normal". I could feel some fluid moving around in my right ear - yuck. I'm also starting to develop a bit of a cough. Boo. I've been walking around school today looking like a zombie.
I really have to thank A for taking care of me and listening to my constant complaining. I love him so much. He's got to be sick of me being sick by now. I just really hope that he doesn't get whatever I have! I love you, handsome hubby!
Despite my misery, Daven seems to be doing ok. He's just been kickin' up a storm in there. Granted, a lot of his kicks are going directly into the right side of my ribcage, but I'll endure that. He's got to be running out of room!
I've got an appointment after school tomorrow, and hopefully that goes well.
I need a nap. Bad. This people penguin needs to go home!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Not too much has been going on. I've spent most of my weekend in front of the tv, even though there's been nothing on. Weekend television would be more pleasant if I liked to watch sports. But that's not going to happen!
A had to work yesterday, and right now he's over at his parent's house being guilted into helping his dad with their basement. He's pretty grumpy because he hasn't had much time to relax. I can't blame him though. It stinks not having him around. The weekends are supposed to be our time together!
Well yesterday I managed to ruin a friendship. My only friend that comes around often at all is pissed at me. She's been in a bad place over her ex boyfriend and lately he's been trying to be "friends" with her. Some words were said, and I don't really want to go into any detail. but I told her how I felt about the situation because I am worried for her. And now she doesn't want to have anything to do with me.
I must look like a bitch, all married and pregnant trying to give relationship advice. But I'm not going to go along with her self-destruction either. So I'm done. It's a shame, because she was my closest friend.
I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat. This morning, that's still here plus a runny nose. I took some Tylenol Cold and drank some hot tea with honey. But I feel like complete shit. I can't even make myself get up and take a shower. It hurts to move.
I wish I had more to talk about. Sorry!
A had to work yesterday, and right now he's over at his parent's house being guilted into helping his dad with their basement. He's pretty grumpy because he hasn't had much time to relax. I can't blame him though. It stinks not having him around. The weekends are supposed to be our time together!
Well yesterday I managed to ruin a friendship. My only friend that comes around often at all is pissed at me. She's been in a bad place over her ex boyfriend and lately he's been trying to be "friends" with her. Some words were said, and I don't really want to go into any detail. but I told her how I felt about the situation because I am worried for her. And now she doesn't want to have anything to do with me.
I must look like a bitch, all married and pregnant trying to give relationship advice. But I'm not going to go along with her self-destruction either. So I'm done. It's a shame, because she was my closest friend.
I woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat. This morning, that's still here plus a runny nose. I took some Tylenol Cold and drank some hot tea with honey. But I feel like complete shit. I can't even make myself get up and take a shower. It hurts to move.
I wish I had more to talk about. Sorry!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I know it's been a while, but I have an excuse!
See, a few days ago I wrote a blog entry. I was on A's laptop. I got all the way finished and clicked on "publish post". Nothing. It wouldn't freaking do it! I gave up after a while, and told myself I would come back and try again later. Well I didn't. I kept thinking, no, I need to get that one to post before I write anything new. So that's my excuse.
I've decided to just leave it and go on.
I am 31 weeks today! 6 more weeks until Daven is considered full-term. 9 more weeks until my due date! Baby Daven should now weigh as much as 4 navel oranges, however much that is.
It's crazy to think that Daven used to be smaller than that quarter. Although don't get me wrong - he could still totally mess with me when he was that little. I am sooooooo thankful that the everyday morning sickness has finally passed!
Ow. Ow, ow. Daven just kicked my ribs on my right side. He is a wiggle worm!
I'm still pretty itchy. But I keep forgetting to put the steroid cream on, so I couldn't tell you whether or not it actually works. Oops.
I can't remember if I already posted about this or if it was in the one post that got left aside, but both nipples are now leaking. And it hurts! I have to put lotion on them twice a day, otherwise they will get stuck to the inside of my bra, and THAT is no fun at all.
So now that I am able to eat much like a normal person again, Daven has traded that with my good night's sleep. I get up about every hour to pee each night. I'm having a hard time getting comfortable as well. People warned me that sleep in 3rd tri supposedly gets you ready for your sleepless nights with your newborn baby. I think they are right. I will take that bad sleep though, if it means that Daven stays put for a while longer!
I have now officially deemed myself as a people-penguin. This is because I waddle slowly from side to side when I walk now. Did I mention how slow I am? I'm pretty sure this little guy could outrun me!

If only I was as cute as this little buddy! Look at him!
Lots of things have been going on at work that I could complain about, but I wouldn't want all those bad thoughts to share the same space as Pengy here, so I'm just going to skip that.
It wouldn't be a Thursday without belly pics!

I love you Daven! Keep moving and growing!
I've decided to just leave it and go on.
I am 31 weeks today! 6 more weeks until Daven is considered full-term. 9 more weeks until my due date! Baby Daven should now weigh as much as 4 navel oranges, however much that is.

Ow. Ow, ow. Daven just kicked my ribs on my right side. He is a wiggle worm!
I'm still pretty itchy. But I keep forgetting to put the steroid cream on, so I couldn't tell you whether or not it actually works. Oops.
I can't remember if I already posted about this or if it was in the one post that got left aside, but both nipples are now leaking. And it hurts! I have to put lotion on them twice a day, otherwise they will get stuck to the inside of my bra, and THAT is no fun at all.
So now that I am able to eat much like a normal person again, Daven has traded that with my good night's sleep. I get up about every hour to pee each night. I'm having a hard time getting comfortable as well. People warned me that sleep in 3rd tri supposedly gets you ready for your sleepless nights with your newborn baby. I think they are right. I will take that bad sleep though, if it means that Daven stays put for a while longer!
I have now officially deemed myself as a people-penguin. This is because I waddle slowly from side to side when I walk now. Did I mention how slow I am? I'm pretty sure this little guy could outrun me!
If only I was as cute as this little buddy! Look at him!
Lots of things have been going on at work that I could complain about, but I wouldn't want all those bad thoughts to share the same space as Pengy here, so I'm just going to skip that.
It wouldn't be a Thursday without belly pics!
I love you Daven! Keep moving and growing!
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