The baby is the size of a turnip today. A turnip? Who eats turnips? How was this even a vegetable to think of when coming up with comparisons? I've never eaten a turnip before in my life. Although it kind of looks like a while potato. At least there's no question here about size issues - this is clearly larger than an avocado.
Things have continued down the shit train here. I'm overly emotional, crying all the time, and still can't eat. Last night I couldn't even sleep. And once I got to sleep, I had this nightmare that I was dying. For some reason, I had to have this physical test done by this one-clawed demon in brown to see whether or not I was a good person. I kept putting off the last step of the test and trying to get away because if it found that you were bad, you died. And one of my arms had already been cut off by this demon thing. Then I got away, but they said if you did that, you would be stung to death by these giant flying things. I just kept wondering the whole time what I had done that was so wrong that I had to die. How can you wake up refreshed after that?
I think I may have to get fake rings to wear if it doesn't cool down soon and my fingers continue to swell. I can't get my rings off my fingers right now. Some people get fake rings, or just cheap little rings in a bigger size so that it doesn't look like they are an unwed mother. And Lord knows that people would judge me, working in a Catholic school. I don't want to take mine off, but I also wouldn't want to have them cut off my finger because of swelling either.
I have no motivation for anything. I can't plan on my planning period. I am afraid if I go home after my last class, I won't be able to force myself to come back for open house tonight. I don't care about making my class look nice or having that stupid handout for the parents like my boss wanted, or making sure that stuff is decorated in the hall. I don't want to talk to parents like I care because I don't.
Only 3 more weeks and I'm officially halfway through this pregnancy. Doesn't that mean I should be able to find just a tiny bit of relief? Please? I don't want to feel sick, sad and tired anymore. I want to be able to do my job. I want to be able to smile at my husband and not always be such a downer. Why can't I just be happy?
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