I am so super pumped about the show tonight. A and I have been impatiently waiting ever since we found out earlier this summer that they were going to be headlining in Louisville. We are going with my sister-in-law and my BFF. They are just now getting into the music, and I hope they enjoy it. I think it should be a lot of fun. Although if I get hit by any crowd surfers, shit is going to hit the fan. I hate people that do that. How can you really enjoy the music and the artists when you have strangers grabbing all over your junk? I like to sing along and watch the band, not act like a monkey with a disease.
Over the weekend, L and I made shirts for the concert. Mine has their keywork on the belly and says "Baby's first concert". I'll try to take lots of pictures tonight and post them. Hopefully we'll get some good shots of the band too.
So how big is the baby that's going to its first concert tonight? An apple!
Also, stomach, please stay settled tonight. It was not cool how you made me hurl this morning in the yard. I do not want a repeat performance of that ever, and especially not tonight. K? Thanks!
I think it's been a bit since I've posted. I had my second appointment on Thursday. I had to see another doctor because mine had to go deliver a baby. I heard the heartbeat again, although he did it so fast, I could barely even process it. He said everything is looking good. We are due for our ultrasound in a exactly a month on Sept. 17. Hope the baby is cooperative and we get to find out whether it's a boy or girl!
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