There are all kinds of silly old wives tale quizzes online that you can take to try to predict whether you are having a boy or a girl. This particular one says that I am having a girl, 83%. We'll hopefully find out in a few more weeks whether it's right or wrong. I have a feeling that it is going to be a girl, although I would be thrilled if it's a boy, too. But I guess whatever mommy intuition I have tells me that it's going to be a girl.
I really wish that A was coming straight home tonight. He's going to mod a friend's xbox, and that always takes longer than he plans. It's hard enough with me being so emotional that we are apart all day at work. But I'm not sure what time he will be home tonight. Then tomorrow night I have open house, and Friday night he has to work at the fair. Then this weekend I'm sure he'll go play golf, which is fine, except I'll be home all alone. I wish I wasn't such a wreck. I cried this morning when I left the house because I didn't want to leave him.
I suck though, because even when we are at home with each other, I can't hold my eyes open long enough to spend any time with him. I think I was out on the couch by like 7:30 last night. And I was still exhausted this morning!
So I have a girl's date for this Friday while A is working late. But I just realized something that is going to dampen my plans - I don't get paid until this Tuesday. I can't afford to go out for sushi Friday. This depresses me. I feel like we never have enough money. The paychecks are gone before I know it. And I hate bumming from friends. I don't know what we are going to do. This makes me sad. All I've wanted all week long is some good sushi!
Ok, I can't stand sitting here and listening to piano lessons any longer. I'm going to have to get out of here. Maybe one of these days I'll write an all the way happy, upbeat blog entry. You can hope, anyway.
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