because school starts tomorrow. Eek! I am really not ready to start work again. And my stomach is still playing tricks on me. I really hope that I don't have to throw up at school any. Yuck.
I tried on some of my clothes to see what fit. Counting the maternity skirt I got a couple days ago, I have 7 skirts that fit me as of now. I don't think I have that many tops though! I need to get more longer tops. And I don't even want to think about what's going to happen when I need to be in pants! They are going to be expensive because I know that none of mine are going to fit. I guess I'm just going to wear pants as long as I can.
I am super hot sitting here in my classroom, but since I'm getting ready to leave, I would feel bad turning on the air now. I'm going to turn it on first thing in the morning though. The kids will freeze probably. I don't really care.
I have been more productive today than I have been in a long time. The first thing I had to do this morning was clear the pantry of all food items because we have ants! They are somehow coming in through the wall our sliding glass door is on and making their way into the pantry. Talk about disgusting! It took me forever to clear everything out. And here's the really awful part - some of the ants got on me when I was moving stuff! I had that creepy crawly feeling until I took a shower. Then I had to go to Walgreens and get some ant traps. I really hope they work. I just don't understand why they would choose now to come into the house when we've never had a problem before. It pisses me off.
I already have dinner ready! I made chili this morning and put it in the crock pot. Now all I have to do tonight is cook some spaghetti noodles to put in mine. I think I've only cooked like 3 times this whole summer, so that is really saying something that I cooked!
I also did the dishes and did 2 loads of laundry. The thing that sucks is that there are two baskets full of clothes to fold. I hope A decides to help me. Laundry just sucks. It's not the putting it in the washer; it's taking them out, hanging stuff up, taking some out of the dryer, having all those clothes to fold AND put away. I don't think I'm even going to be able to reach into the washer much longer. It hurts my belly and my back. I might have to be the designated folder. Hopefully A will be on board with that. I mean, after all, it's his kid growing in my belly!
I finally made it to school today to try to get things more situated for tomorrow. I only have vague plans, but that's normally how it goes for the first meetings. I just hope I can make it all the way through the day. I am so exhausted now. These kids are really going to wear on me. I hope I don't have to tell them right away that I am pregnant. But I know how it will go: one kid who's mom is a teacher will know that I am and will spread it around and then I'll have to explain it to everyone. Woo hoo. I mean, I know it's going to come up eventually, but since right now I still just look fat, I don't want to explain right away!
I am so glad that dinner is already pretty much done because I am so frigging tired! If only I knew a whole bunch of crock pot meals that I could throw together easily! But even then, it's going to be hard enough getting up at 6 am and fighting with A to use the bathroom. Only one of us will be able to sleep in until 6:30, and it aint going to be me! I think I'm going to want to shoot myself in the morning, seriously. I am not a morning person!
It's about time to head home. I feel too tired to even drive to tell you the truth! I guess this is a feeling I'm going to have to get used to!
Here's hoping that tomorrow doesn't suck!