Come on now, this is getting ridiculous. If I'm going to get my period, lets come on now and move on to the next cycle. I really expected it to start today, one because it was field day, I was outside all day and that would have made it miserable for me. Two because my temp went down to the coverline this morning. Two temp drops in a row! But for whatever reason, FF doesn't think that I will be seeing Aunt Flow until Saturday.
Another thing that is confusing: Yesterday my CM was heavy, brown, and creamy. I spotted once. But today - nothing. Just regular sticky CM. What gives? Every day I think to myself, tomorrow's temp will help me figure out what's going on. Nope!
So how's the phantom doing? Well, boobs still hurt, but they don't hurt as bad as the were a couple days ago. I managed to wear my hair in a ponytail today, although it is starting to bother me now. But yesterday I couldn't even put my hair up for half an hour! Of course, I didn't really have much of a choice either since I was outside all day today and it was really really super hot. My stomach hasn't bothered me yet, but this has usually been happening after dinner time through bed time. My face is still pretty broken out. All of this could be attributed to PMS or my body still changing from lack of BCPs.
::sighs:: Too bad fortune tellers aren't reliable!
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