My temp went up again this morning! Woo hoo! That's a good sign. I'm really trying not to be too hopeful, but it's hard not to. A keeps asking me when I am going to test, but I'm holding out because I really don't want to see a negative. A lot of girls I talk to say that they test at 12 DPO, so I should at least wait until then. Taking Charge of Your Fertility says that after 18 DPO, if your temp hasn't dropped, you are more than likely pregnant! I'm hoping that my temp continues to go up and that all signs are good.

So I am probably experiencing what a lot of the more experienced TTCers would call phantom symptoms. I know that I want to be pregnant and that A and I are actively doing what we can to make that happen. Since I think about it constantly, it's no wonder that I would feel symptoms of pregnancy, whether I am or not. My big one right now is sore boobs and nipples. I mean they
hurt! All week I've been complaining about it, wincing at anything that accidentally brushes up against them, and putting my heated bed buddy on them at night. I guess time will tell whether this is real or phantom. The other is my need to fall asleep all of the time. I don't know that I can really count this, though, since work always leaves me exhausted. Who's to tell if the fatigue is because of the end of the school year or for other reasons. ::yawn::

The phantom of the cycle is there, inside my mind.
Anybody? Anybody?
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