I knew it was too early to test. I knew I would get a "not pregnant" on the digital screen I just paid too much money for. I knew I would be disappointed. But I tested anyway. Right there on the front of the box it says you can test up to 5 days before your missed period. But I wouldn't start until next Saturday, so oops on my part. A was so anxious, and he joked that if I didn't test he was going to hold the pee stick himself and press on my bladder. Nice. Although now that I think about it, I really don't think he would have. But I still didn't want to say no because he's been so supportive through this process so far. So now here I sit, at 6:something in the morning, shaky and upset.
I did have a good sign in all of this when I woke up. My temp was 98.0, and it hasn't been that high my whole cycle! I guess after I saw this, I thought maybe it's not too early after all. Heck, as I look through old forum posts from my favorite site, I see that another girl got a + on 9 DPO!! Since I just got my - at 10 DPO, this makes me sad. I know that everyone is different, that the time it takes a fertilized egg to implant is different, and that even after that you've got to give it a few days to build up enough hormones for the pee stick to read. So if implantation is supposed to occur 6-10 days after ovulation, and I was on the long end of that, it could still be too early. I hate over thinking like this!
Anyhow, I'm going to indulge myself now by looking into what my body is doing way too much. Yesterday I had dull cramps, on and off. Weren't really bad at all. If there is any way that my boobs could feel worse, they do. I wore I sports bra over top of my regular bra yesterday to try to keep them from moving around too much. I was also pretty gassy, starting right before dinner. That was embarrassing, considering that we had dinner at the in-laws.
I've also noticed that my scalp hurts. I haven't read anywhere about this being a symptom, but it's out of the ordinary, so I thought I would list it. It physically hurts to put my hair into a ponytail. And taking the hair bands back out of my hair - pure torture. I've always had a bit of a sensitive scalp, but that's only if someone is tightly braiding my hair or pulling out tangles. Not putting my hair in a ponytail!
Also my skin kind of hurts, like I'm bruised all over. But I'm not. It's almost like that feeling you get when you're sick, except without the creepy crawly bit. If anything bumps my legs, it hurts like bumping a bruise does. Add this with the scalp and boobs, and I'm just a sensitive mess! Like I said, I don't know what any of this has to do with anything, but I'm writing about it anyway.
On a good note, I finally got my coke icee last night. Yum! Had to go to a Thortons to get it, but that's still closer than the mall. I'm glad that I found somewhere that makes them. I would have taken a picture of it if I had had my phone with me at the time. It was delightful!
::yawns:: Ok, I think that maybe now I'm ready to go back to bed. I've wound down a bit. Not even really sure if the post makes sense though! I wonder what A will say when I tell him the test results?
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