Thursday, August 12, 2010

Still struggling with ppd

I really didn't think at this point that I would still be having so many issues with ppd. I guess I naively thought that it would go away by now. But here are just some of the things that I have been dealing with lately:

  • I take everything personally.
  • Because of this I cry too much.
  • I have major separation anxiety and I get stomach pains even thinking about having to go back to work and leaving Daven. Hell, I can't even leave him to do see a movie!
  • Daven has to sleep in my room. And it's because of me.
  • When Daven cries and I can't immediately make it better, I cry. I honestly can't control it.
  • I have anxiety attacks now, where I feel like my chest is tight and I can't breathe.
  • My libido is way down. Sorry, A. I'm hoping this changes super soon :(
  • I'm gaining all my weight back. And that makes me sad. So I want to eat more.

I have never wanted to hurt Daven or myself and in that regard I am lucky. I keep telling myself that it could be worse, and that other things are the reason instead of the ppd.

  • Daven has been waking up every 1-2 hours every night lately, so I am pretty exhausted.
  • We are very stretched for money right now since I can't find a job.
  • I have an eczema rash literally all over my body. Seriously, it's not on my feet and that's about it. It's kind of miserable. At least I'm guessing it's eczema...
  • One sister is leaving to go back to college, one doesn't like being around my son, and the other is recovering from a domestic violence attack and has started dating again (and stopped coming over and texting me)
On the upside I have a wonderful, healthy baby boy that I love more than anything and I wouldn't change that for the world! I know that eventually things will get better with me. I just hope everyone can be patient with me.

If you happen to read this, please feel free to share your experience with me. I know I am not alone and hearing other people's stories can help :)

1 comment:

  1. Leslie, you have got to go back to the doctor and tell them this. You need more/different medication and probably counseling. I am no expert on this but I LOVE you bunches and bunches and I am super worried for you. I want you to be happy Leslie again and not be so stressed. I love you, love you, love you, please go talk to some people face to face about this, and the eczema, esp on your hands, and let me know if I can help you in any way!
