I am a frequent lurker of Transatlantic Blonde and she is participating in the 30 day blog challenge that one of her friends is hosting. It sounded like something fun to try to do, and a good way to find some new blogs to read.
Here's how it works:
*The 30 day blog challenge is not about blogging every day for 30 days. Realistically that's just setting you up for failure. Life happens, and not every day can we sit down and pour our minds out on a keyboard. For six weeks straight, aim to write a new blog post five times a week. That could mean one blog post every weekday Monday through Friday, or just five random days throughout the week that work best for you. Add your name to the linky below and follow along with other bloggers that are taking the challenge. Post the 30 Day Blog Challenge badge at the end of your blog posts and in your side bar so more people can learn about the challenge and follow along. If you are having a hard time thinking of topics to blog about, there are many other blogs out there that have weekly check-ins that may interest you. Psst, Feminist Friday would be a super easy one :)
There is a linky on Sare's blog that will be open from August 9 - September 17 and you can join any time. Don't forget to visit the other bloggers taking part in the challenge!
Does anyone else want to join? You can blog about anything :)
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