We slept great last night! Woo hoo! Yesterday Daven stayed up during the day a lot longer than he normally does. He really only took small, short naps throughout the day. He started getting fussy last night so I gave him a bath and massaged him with lotion. Then we rocked in the recliner. Went up to the bedroom about 10:30 and gave him his bottle and he was out by 11. Normally he wakes back up when I lay him down in his cosleeper and try to swaddle him, but he didn't. I got the blanket nice and tight so he was a baby burrito.
He didn't wake up again until 5:30 am!!!! I woke up more than he did. I had to go pee a few times, and I kept checking on him to make sure he was ok. But that's not it! He ate, went back to sleep at 6 and didn't wake up again until 9! I can't tell you when the last time was that I got this much sleep!
Right now Daven is peacefully sleeping on me in his moby wrap. He didn't want to be put down. I tried to prop him up on the boppy while I got on the computer, but he said no to that rather quickly. But once I calmed him down and put him in the moby he went right to sleep. I'm ok with early daytime naps. I just hope that he stays awake this afternoon/evening so that we can have a chance at a repeat of last night.
In other news, Coheed pooped. I smell it. It's nasty. The problem is, I can't find it! I've looked everywhere! It's so gross. Normally I am able to figure out where the little fucker dropped his bomb but not today. Hopefully when my sister comes over she can help me find it.
I have my 6 week appointment today with the OB. Not really sure what all to expect from the appointment, but I'm hoping that she gives me the ok for sexy time. The thing that sucks though is even if she does we can't because I'm already on my stinking period. Yep. I didn't even get a full 2 weeks between pp bleeding ending and my period starting. Nice, Aunt Flow. Fucking great. I haven't really been bleeding that bad, but my cramps and backaches have been shitty. I think I started Thursday. I don't know when it's going to end. I've got to get a prescription for birth control today. I love Daven more than anything and we do plan on having another kid, but not any time soon!
So something has happened to me that I have never experienced before - the impulse to clean. I can't sit still because my house is dirty, cluttered and unorganized. Saturday while my friend Amanda was over I vacuumed, deodorized the carpet in the middle room (in which Oreo then peed and pooped on an hour later) and cleaned the bathroom. A few days before that I finally cleaned out the fridge and threw away all the bad food, and cleaned up the kitchen. I've also kept up with the laundry. Yesterday I spent an insane amount of time organizing my closet and dresser drawers and finally putting away all those clothes that had been sitting in hampers and laundry baskets since Daven was born. Today I really want to clean out the pantry so that I can see what's good and what's not and go to the store.
I realized, after going in the red with my finances the last check that I am not getting shit for cash since I'm on mat. leave. My checks have decreased by $200! And it sucks because it will be this way until Aug. So we really have to buckle down and spend less. We've got to cook dinner at home, stop going out, and really leave all our money for diapers, formula, wipies, and anything else Daven needs. I hate having to worry about money.
That brings me to my next realization. I've got this money stored away in an account that my grandpa set up for me when I was a baby. A few years ago it got signed over to me. I've got about $10,000 that I have never touched. It's comforting to me that I have this money, and I haven't wanted to spend any of it. I've thought about using it for a down payment on a car or eventually when we buy a house, but have always decided no. A talked to me a few days ago about using some of this money to pay off our bills. I immediately said no. I don't want to touch it.
I've changed my mind. We have both made some bad decisions about things and both have some debt - mine with Kohl's and A with Best Buy. But we've really only been paying the minimum on them. The interest rate on my Kohl's is insane and every month my bill really never goes down. So I have finally let my guard down and decided that we will use my money to pay off all the bills we can. Then we will close those accounts. No Kohl's, Best Buy, Mac, nothing. And I will be firm that if we want something, we will have to wait until we can pay cash for it (unless it's a car for me, because that's kind of impossible.)
When I go in to talk to my broker (is that what he's called?) about the money, I am going to see about setting up an account for Daven. Maybe something where so much of my check goes into the account every month and it gains some interest so that 18 years down the road, he will at least have something to his name.
The thing that scares me is that once we use this money to before (virtually) debt free we will get ourselves into trouble again. That we will use that extra money we have every month to go out to eat, buy electronics and other things. I really want us to be able to save. I want to have money in my savings account again. I want to be able to stop worrying about whether we have enough money to get everything that we actually need.
Here are the things that we will still have to pay for, month to month, after we pay off our bills:
A's car payment
My 2 student loans
Car/renters insurance
Gas for our cars
Groceries (all of Daven's needs included)
Cell phone
Insight (cable and internet)
Monthly Dr.'s appointments for Daven
Well, little squirmy is waking up. And I've got to get ready for my appointment.
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