In no particular order
1. Be a more consistent blogger.It's not that I have a ton of internet readers sitting in the edge of their seats waiting for my next entry. That is definitely not the case. The whole reason I started this blog was to help me keep track of trying to conceive, being pregnant, and documenting everything Daven. There are so many notable things that have happened that probably won't be remembered because I haven't been blogging.
2. Find time to read again.I have my wonderful nook, but since I only had that for a month before Daven's triumphant arrival, I haven't gotten to use it as much as I want. Or hardly at all. I want to read fiction (my Sookie Stackhouse collection has been neglected) and hopefully I can find a few good reads to help me become motivated to be a teacher again.
3. Keep a list of my books read and what I thought about them.I'd just like to keep track of what I've read and try to make that list as big as possible.
4. Let goI'm finally back on Zoloft, although it's been for less than a month. I'm not depressed by any means; it's my overwhelming anxiety with Daven - am I doing things right? How can I stand to be away from him? What can I do better?
I feel like I've made strides already - bubby has been sleeping in his crib for a while now. There are still rough nights where he wants us, or when he's sick like earlier this week and we need to keep him elevated. But considering a couple months back when just the very thought of having Daven sleep a room away made my heart race and bring tears to my eyes, things are getting better.
I've also let my mil watch Daven overnight. New Year's Eve. Granted, I had to get drunk to help deal with the separation anxiety, but baby steps. We had friends over and had a good time. And bubby loved spending time with his grandma and grandpa. But my mom was totally jealous, so I'm going to have to give him up for the night again soon.
5. Learn to cook more recipes and eat at home more.I've gotten to the point where I can make a handful of dinners and they actually taste good. But who wants tacos or chili every single week? I wish I enjoyed cooking more. So I'm going to try. Especially now that bubby is eating more and more table food, we need to eat at home more. I don't want him growing up having the stereotypical mom who's food tastes like pet food.
6. The typicalEat healthier, exercise, lose weight. Boring. Difficult.
7. Be more organized.Our house isn't dirty, but it's often a mess. There's always laundry about, whether it's dirty or it's cleaned and needs to be put away. One giant project that I want to accomplish is to organize the basement. Go though A's boxes, holiday boxes, Daven's clothes and label everything. I have a ton of stuff at my parents taking up space that needs to be brought over here. But I don't want the basement to be a disaster. I want to be able to access and find everything easily. Giant task.
8. Redo the front porch.I said I was going to do this last summer. And it'll have to wait until this next summer. But I want to be able to sit out there, for Daven to be able to play out there, for it to not be an eyesore.
So, what do you think, few readers? Any suggestions?