I could kick myself in the tush for not forcing myself to write on here every day and document what's going on in our lives and in Daven's development. Each day goes like this: work, Daven, sleep. Sometimes I get to spend time with A as well. But he has class two nights a week so that has been an adjustment.
I have been sick all week with some crap virus. There goes all my sick days! I am still coughing uncontrollably which sucks. At least I don't feel like death anymore.
Unfortunately, Daven got sick. Thankfully I don't think it was what I had, because he never ran a fever. But he's been stuffy and sneezing out snot for a few days now. We've had to prop him up when he sleeps to help with the drainage. Poor guy.
Yesterday was his 8 month birthday! Can I just say holy shit! In just 4 months we will have a 1 year old. We are now in October, which means his first Halloween, then Thanksgiving and of course Christmas!
He is going to be Rex from Toy Story for Halloween. We got the costume last weekend. It's super cute. We haven't tried it on him yet though. Not quite sure how it will work - he won't be able to sit in his stroller with his dinosaur tail, lol. And we've gotten mixed responses as to whether or not it's acceptable to take your babe trick-or-treating when it's apparent that he's not going to be able to eat any of the candy.
The zoo is having a thing there for Halloween that sounds fun and I was thinking that if we get some of the cousins along than it won't matter, lol. Plus it would be cute to see the other little ones in the family dressed up. We'll see.
Daven is super close to crawling. Super. He scoots and turns himself on his belly right now. He also rolls over a lot more, AND he can go from sitting to on his belly all on his own. Yesterday he got his knees up, but when those went up his face went down on the floor. He need to babyproof - stat!
Also yesterday he was sitting next to A on the couch. I was on the floor next to them just watching him play. He leaned over, grabbed A's shirt, and pulled himself up to standing while leaning on A. Ah! He's growing up so fast!
There is a ton more that I need to update on, but since this is still my sick time and I am picking up bubby from my dads at noon, I need to try to get some more sleep.