Well, I guess I failed that 30 day blog challenge. Damn.
But seriously, now that I'm working, how is there enough time to do everything? The house is a mess (ok, so it was never spotless before, but I was generally able to keep it up better while I was home) and I am exhausted. Yes, I was tired before. Sure. Everyone is tired all the time, regardless. But damn.
So I wake up, try to take a super fast shower because the liquid plummer hasn't worked yet at declogging my hair out of the bathtub drain and A has to take a shower after me. Then I take Daven to my dad's and head to work. I start to feel myself crash at lunch time and I'm super antsy the second half of the school day to get back to Daven. I go pick him up, sometimes hang out over there for a bit, and then we come home. Daddy has class two nights a week, and those nights we eat dinner and then Daven and I hang out and snuggle until he's ready to go to bed. Then I go to bed with him.
Daven said dada - twice! I was half asleep when he said it and had to double check with A to make sure I wasn't dreaming it. He hasn't said it or anything else since then, but we were so excited!
He now has three teeth and one is about to break through.
He can generally tolerate sitting in a high chair for longer periods of time and can entertain himself more.
We have a scootcher! When he's on his belly Daven can turn himself around. He's getting closer to crawling. And while I am so excited for that because it's a huge milestone, I'm not quite ready for him to be mobile. Our house is nowhere near babyproofed or clean enough for him to be wandering around!
I'm sure that I'm leaving all sorts of things out. I hate when I have long stretches without writing here. But spending time with A and Daven is the most important thing. Hopefully when I become more accustomed to the working schedule and balance I can be more consistent on here again. Until then I guess you'll just have to find another way to talk to me!