With A's family on a cruise and my parents currently on a plane to Florida to spend a week in Disney, I want to go on vaca BAD. I don't want to wait until next summer to take Daven to the beach! Oh well. Maybe we just need to get a sandbox...for me.
I had a job interview on Tues. to work an after school program. It would be part time. Not as much money as I would like, but I would still get to spend time with Daven every day. The director's position is available, but it is a 12 hour, 5 days a week job and there's no way I could do that! Plus, I'm not really qualified for the job anyway. I should hear by tomorrow or Mon whether or not they want to hire me.
Daven is not a fan of avocados. He tolerates peas, but avocados - he's not having it. We tried them a few nights with no improvement so I think that's it for them. Bubye!
I put our pack n play next to my side of the bed and for the past two nights I have managed to have him sleep in it. It's been so tough for me and I'm still not sleeping well. But I know that I shouldn't keep Daven in bed with us and I know that he needs his own space. I never thought I would have this much anxiety. I never thought I could love him so so much. A and I couldn't ask for a better baby boy.